Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

If I want to leave my key, I am going to!

This season I think I bricked in total about six of my own keys.

dont worry they wont quit anymore. theyll just play very bad on purpose until youre the one that wants to quit :wink:


Maybe in low keys, almost nobody does this in 10 or higher especially if they’re DPS. They straight up leave, start cussing the other players or do something else.

You mean
they didn’t before this change but now they might to avoid the possibility of getting banned.


They will now, because if they leave a doomed key they might get an account action under this mess.


One day later:

Not an actual quote (yet), but I’m sure it’d probably happen at some point. :stuck_out_tongue:

For my purposes that would be even better.

Oof, I’m not sure Blizzard realizes the mess they just opened up with this one. People are just going to start AFKing or just trolling groups rather than just leave lol.


All of you celebrating this don’t realize this is going to make players afraid to PUG, do you?

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They’re probably going to implement vote-to-kick.

This has always been my point every time GD asks for something like this.

It won’t solve the problem, just move it somewhere else.


Kind of pointless in Mythic+, you can’t refill lol.

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yupp. I’m not convinced they really don’t know what they’re doing. Like, they really invented this problem, and once again players will find a way around it to grief (just like the vote kick griefing), and then it’ll be the players who aren’t doing anything wrong that suffer.


If they’re DPS I’m far more skeptical but maybe because I’m a healer and get more bias but I always get a ton of DPS who are like “thanks man for the inv I been looking for at least 30 mins to get in a key” and quite often they have excellent ilvl and IO.

Eh, unless Blizzard is fully automating this or are going to use horrible metrics I just doubt it.

Well that’d be even more of a disaster than this failure of an idea, so I almost believe it. They’re seeking to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by any means.

I mean, some friendly folks don’t mind completion runs.

joining my clearly defined completion key and then leaving when we don’t time should be bannable too

Maybe they’ll add icing to this stinky cake and bring “sabotaging gameplay” reports to M+.

It would be glorious to watch that dumpster fire thread on top of this one.


In all honestly people are already afraid to pug. I recently had a completed SOB 10 where the guild group thanked me for sticking it around and told me they were afraid I was going to leave after we wiped on the last boss a few times.

It was pretty obvious we had the means to finish it but just had to fine tune it so I stayed. Just my opinion and experience but people are already twitchy about Mythic Plus.

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