Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Is this actually for real?

You’re banning players who left a group? I’ve never done it in my brief M+ career, but if I want to leave a group for whatever reason, I’m leaving the group. This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever read. Did someone hack your account? I must be dreaming this is such a bad way to run a game. This can’t be.

I’ll have to come back and reread this later. This can’t be saying what I think it’s saying.

What were the leavers doing? Yelling at the others in group, “you’re so bad at running a company, your name is Blizzard!” Because that is abuse I can understand a ban for.


People can just autoattack or barely do anything. Who exactly is going to be the arbiter of performance within Mythic+? And if we are doing that, what exactly is the bar? A lot of people leave because people are god awful, now the people that would normally leave can have fun doing the same thing lol.

I do think people are blowing a lot of this out of proportion, but it does set a bad precedent though.

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Then what are you worrying about?

There’s been groups where I got the feeling that yeah, we might go a bit over but we can definitely finish this for vault, so I stay if everyone else stays. And then there’s groups that are a total dumpster fire and if they do finish it’s gonna be like an hour over and I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t wanna stay for that, I certainly wouldn’t unless it’s so early in the season that the completion for vault is extremely valuable.

Me in my groups, I can tell when someone’s trolling vs when they are simply just bad and I’ve got no problems having everyone report people for it, I can simply let blizzard look at all the reports and decide for themselves it’s not my problem.

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I can’t be worried about Blizzard setting a precedent? Are you so small minded you can’t see how this could branch out into other parts of the game?

Done it PLENTY of times. If I can throw people out of my work for being a complete jerk of themselves, I can definitely do it again in Mythics.

EDIT: Sorry mods I’ll behave myself I promise. O_o’’

Nowhere in the rules does it say you have to do well so if you think the group is a failure just start ignoring your rotation maybe hit bloodlust randomly butt pull extra mobs totally by mistake

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You guys have to lay out what youre determining as cause for a ban… if im leaving a group as a tank its because the group is performing poorly and the chances of timing the key become very low or impossible. No one wants to waste time for no benefit. You get reduced rewards from completion. Why suffer through all that, when u can just go 1 key lvl lower for the same rewards and not deal with the group youre currently with…

Pugging is rough… people save their interupts for whatever reason and little jimmy gets 1shot from some bolt shot at them if no one interrupts. We have addons that tell us who is doing the interrupting and cc’s… if none of that is going on and the team is constantly wiping, you can bet that im not gonna stay there for my own sanity…

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A lot of the pushback is from players saying “Well, this sounds good on paper to those who don’t really know how this works, but those of us that do know what’s going on recognize that there can be some long-term consequences that nobody wants”.


Poor little jimmy

Burn all of your interrupts right after someone else, so those big casts always go off. It’s just bad timing, right?


Should be able to report people for garbage performance too lol.


Oh, so we’re relying on insults now.

I’m simply asking what you’re worried about if you never left a Mythic run. Cause this thread doesn’t apply to you.

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No, it’s a two way street in regards to mediocrity and there are bigger concerns for mythic plus than this atm. In regards to people complaining about this change and also those who are in for it.

It’s why distinction is important and proper communication that Blizzard should help foster. X player might think the other players are the problem but they never actually think “Hey I might be the one who sucks”.

It’s why personally I tend to avoid 10’s where players are often 3k io or higher for they tend to apply their standards to a 10

Well Blizz said they completed a wave for it, so if no one here was affected and they don’t know anyone who was then it doesn’t seem like a big deal

Early in the season I totally stick it out but yeah at this point…Thankfully it’s usually pretty obvious the first 10 mins in how something is going to go.

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Typically this is something that is automated. Do I need to fear being the first to leave in a higher key where we all agree that we will not beat the timer? This typically happens keys > 11+ where there is no incentive to run them other than score and common place in these higher keys.

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I’ll be keeping an eye out for this as well, any information they could share such as…

  • how many times they left
  • all in the same day? spread out over a week? spread out over a month?
  • what was said in party chat (if anything)
  • what “specific” information was provided by a ticket response (such as “our records indicate you left 3 times in 1 week”)
  • etc

…would be useful at this point given the vague-ness of the OP


Im sorry if im not making myself clear, im not native english speaker but it is punishing already not to time a key, less valor stones, less loot (as if there were any loot), getting a key one lvl less, so now, i need to run it all over again praying not to depleting it just to try get another completely different key in the same lvl as i had before, and also, as i said before, the gold spent on repairs, i prefer leaving a key that is obvious is not gonna be on time to stay hour and a half trying not to wipe in the same mechanics cause people dont know what they are doing, in my thinkig, most of the gamers listing on mythic + are trying to push keys higher, and then it only need one unexperienced player to ruin that, and now we are hostages and doomed to a key with a party that dont have enough experience, in a key that is not gonna reward enough and with much less gold making people farm for 2 hours instead of running dungeons.