Pretty easily in most cases. Timing is going great, a few deaths and on track for an easy +1 or +2. It’s kind of hard to explain it but the times I seen someone brick my key or that of another player has been near always this way.
Not fast enough, not the right route or a pull goes slightly sideways despite the fact the timing of the key would have still been excellent.
If it really boils down to this, and people start using the “elistist” finger, its the player’s responsibility to understand they might need to network and make some friends. Or join a guild.
I’m on my last leg thanks to false reports, so I don’t even play this account anymore.
Once I drop down and play at the level of a 3group looking for me to carry their little baby buddy for free, they suddenly have all the colourful things against TOS and the social contract to say on me. So now I can report them and not get reported for leaving
I don’t do any PvE but if I were going to guess how this is going to go is instead of leaving people will just start playing poorly to get kicked its what I’d do if I’m stuck in a failed group I’m not going to be trying. Should be great for the M+ pugging scene
Any group? Groups where the timer was expired? Groups where the timer would expire because there was demonstrable lack of necessary performance? Groups where there is abusive chat or toxicity? Any elaboration at all please?
Ok, let’s do the math on that. Taking the incredibly unrealistic expectation that you reach the upgrade point to unlock that without spending any carved crests, you would be able to get about 225 runed via upgrading. That’s enough to increase every slot by 1 rank.
It’s not about being respectful, it’s about the fact that if a player isn’t able to perform to the level of the content it isn’t disruptive to not waste your evening bashing your head against a brick wall.
It’s also giving bad players “leverage” to hold you hostage (…basically an unpaid carry) in their 1 hour+ wipefest run (where their damage sucks, no one is interrupting, no one is doing mechanics, boss adds are running wild/uncontrolled, etc)
…and it’s also giving racist players “leverage”, and giving troll players “leverage”, and giving groups of friends/groups of guildies/partial-premades “leverage” over a solo pug teammate, and so on and so on
The unintended consequences remain to be seen, it’s anyone’s guess how this change plays out
They’re all premade groups. That’s the real crux of the issue here, but, yeah. Don’t forget to have everyone say “disband it” in text chat in your guild runs/friend runs
People are running wild with their imagination but it is fair to ask for more elaboration though personally I do agree with you. Unless Blizzard is running full automation on this, it looks like they were looking at their internal metrics.