Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Are people talking about 8’s or something? Even my worst 10’s I been in people have been quite chill especially by communicating.

i was tanking and after i realized that either 1. the healer has literally NO IDEA what hes doing and is trying to dps or something else to compensate not healing the tank, or 2. the dps cannot handle the key-level and perform with interrupts and CC and are at the required DPS output to time the key, I left. 2-3 groups and now im 7 day suspended.

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Dude don’t leave groups instead just start pressing buttons at random pull some mobs have a jolly good time go afk for 3 minutes randomly

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Leaving once, no that is not a demonstration of intent. Leaving keys many many times causing them to be bricked for groups is - intentionally or not - very detrimental to gameplay hence the penalty.


But I signed up to time a dungeon…not have my time wasted.


I never did care for gear. You don’t play Mythics for gear. I’ve stated this rule of thumb time and time again and the forum goers had this info enter one ear and pass through the other.

Time to wake up.

it is literally a solution tho. people are not gunna leave groups now as frequently.

so force the rest of the group to leave and report me for griefing the group not leaving and force an instant suspension? riiiiight…

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Cool it there Thanos

Another funny thing, as a pvper, you don’t get banned for leaving ranked matches. You can leave solo shuffle or blitz or 3’s and you just lose you rating. M+ has crazier rules about this :upside_down_face:


I had two keys in a row once where we were at last boss, hadn’t attempted it yet, and tanks left both times because they felt there wasn’t enough time left to time it. These were 10s so useful for vault. As frustrating as that was, I still strongly disagree with this policy. I doubt Blizzard will differentiate between griefers and people unlucky enough to get several awful groups in a row. This will really hurt pugging, so to those who asked for this, be careful what you wish for…


This goes both ways and the definition of what it means to “have my time wasted” why people should communicate more especially beofre a dungeon starts

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They’rlljust troll horribly until others are forced to leave. Are you guys really that naive? Did you not play in other expansions when people got punished for leaving things?


This is clearly ment for people who are waiting for the key to start just tp leave and ruin a key back to back multiple times a week. “A great many times.”

Highly doubt once in a while is not what is being banned here.

You’ll find that quite a lot of people do.

There are a lot of people in M+ who are only there to farm gear/crests that other content is tuned around, but they don’t actually want to be there.

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It’s not detrimental if they are bricked keys, or going to be. Maybe this policy will take into account such information, but Blizzar has provided nothing useful to actually measure that. A group that gets ten deaths before pulling the first boss of Stonevault where nobody else is interrupting isn’t a group that will succeed in a ten, that’s just a matter of fact. Leaving that group isn’t disruption of any sort and shouldn’t be considered as such.


if they leave you report them for griefing you for abandoning the key its not against the rules to be bad at the game

Even less reason to bother pugging. Well done.


So… I guess pugging keys just got even more unfriendly now?


Not in a 10 for if they’re DPS they might wait another 50 hours before they get an inv lol.