Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

I JUST got done explaining why I believe it is likely not just targeting bots. I mean I literally explained it in the text you quoted.

Fishing for rare spawns defeats the entire purpose of them being rare. Blizzard likely sees that as exploitation of the instance reset mechanic.

Remember the old days when there were actual GM’s in the game and they could turn invisible, stalk down suspected bots and ban them on the spot? yeah the good old days.

Now you punish legit players with Instance caps…


This is completely irrelevant, as there was still a limit on resets per hour. So rare spawns were still rarer than normal mobs.

Blizzard might not like it, but it’s accurate to vanilla and isn’t in the slighest against the rules.


So, you think people farming legitimately for things like Briarwood Reed and Savage Gladiator chain should be punished. Got it. Also, you explained nothing. I’m telling you whatever perceived negative impact these instance farms have on server economies will still be present with the thirty a day instance cap.

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we never want to take action against a legitimate player.

Oh, you mean like limiting legitimate player’s access to dungeons as way to “combat automated gameplay”?

Or how about implementing said limit without ANY kind of way to track it or indicate the difference between a daily lockout and an hourly lockout?

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It is not irrelevant. It is a clear abuse of the reset mechanic. “still rarer than normal mobs” does not excuse the practice.

And Blizzard may very well consider it collateral damage of cheesy borderline exploitative gameplay that is worth sacrificing.

Unlike those lashing out purely based on feels, I do not consider it “punishment”. I do consider fishing for Jed borderline exploitation/abuse of the reset mechanic.

You’re hilarious, thanks for the laugh. Enjoy playing the game like a potato.

I love how those melting down because of this have nothing but insults to toss around. Really winning folks to your cause.

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Okay. Content is also a lot, “easier” so we don’t die as much. Blues aren’t rare at all, and epics aren’t uncommon either. Should they make the content harder, so it’s not, “abused” and we don’t have easy epics?

Sure. Which is why some players are upset, as it’s accurate to vanilla and just because it’s far more common than it used to be doesn’t mean it’s fair to hurt players that do it.

Uh huh. Except it’s not against the rules, so it doesn’t matter what you think.

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I’ve tried to put forth reasonable and sound arguments, you have literally no legitimate argument. Enjoy being in the 50s for the next four months.

I played the entirety of vanilla, and it would be NOT vanilla like if they allowed out of control abuse of game elements. Back in vanilla they were CONTINUOUSLY changing things when players began to exploit/abuse things.

Yeah, this post right here is a great example of "reasonable and sound. :roll_eyes:

In what way is it out of control, and in what way does it hurt the game? Also this is Classic, it’s not supposed to have random untested changes.

Nice work completely ignoring my first four posts, you potato.

Are you really going to feign ignorance as to the huge economy smashing rate instance farming has had in classic? Jed fishing again is likely a borderline exploit that blizzard doesn’t mind being hit by collateral.

In what way does resetting an instance to farm a rare for a pre-BiS/BiS piece hurting the economy?

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Stop it with the “it’s not fair” comment. It wasn’t fair in 2007 that Blizzard shrunk raids to 25 people and we had to downsize guilds. It wasn’t fair when Warlords of Draenor made our gathering skills completely worthless. There is no “fair”. There is the game Blizzard makes, if you enjoy the game as they implement it, play the game and have fun. If you don’t enjoy it, leave.

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They were not “ignored”. I responded to them soundly and reasonably. You chose to melt down.

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This isn’t a normal WoW server. It’s a server that’s supposed to not be changed willy nilly.


No one is melting down. I am unfortunately having a conversation with a starch at this point.

I feel you are simply not reading entire responses. Taking the pup out and getting some sleep.