Actions Taken to Address Exploitative Gameplay

Props for remaining professional in the face of this hysterical community.


probably pretty easy when your job is to play WoW and post on the classic forums once every few months.

No, read the entire argument. Botters are using many accounts to farm on different servers. To circumvent this new “fix” all they have to do is roll out more accounts, weather that means botting brand new characters to 60, or stealing other peoples accounts through malicious means. As a legitimate player, I only play on one account, on one server. This change does little to nothing to botters and only impacts the people playing legitimately. Please explain your logic, how is this change stopping bot farms?

Also, even if we were to assume this somehow negatively impacts bot operations, which it doesn’t. Should the “fix” punish legitimate players like myself and many others?

On top of all that, we don’t even have a UI element to explain how many instances we’ve entered nor when they reset. This “fix” is lazy, half-baked, and absolutely only punishes the legitimate players.

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they never have an answer just that “this is so good for combating bots, thanks Blizz!”

No. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the specific situation surrounding Mcp. Bear tanks don’t need THAT many. A hardcore raiding guild likely isn’t going to have a bear main tank every fight, because they’re not optimal for every fight. A hardcore guild is going to down some bosses so fast that they literally couldn’t use all 3 charges on an mcp against every boss. I’m not saying that there aren’t people without a bunch of time to play. I’m saying the “bear tank needs to run gnomer 55 times a day” isn’t a realistic example of what anyone is actually doing.

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Odd. I cannot recall many if any posting to that effect?

As much as I don’t like the corporate-speak I normally see, this kind of communication—even though it’s vague—is appreciated.


Honest question, how many mcp do you want for a week of raid tanking, and how many gnomer runs would you say you do, on average?

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Your initial comment effectively says “You don’t think this effects bots?” You’re not putting forth an argument. You’re asking a question I’ve already answered.

Please do something about the herb bots in Nazjatar. I just started farming there a bit and you come across clown car caravans of multiboxers who are all performing the same exact movements to pick herbs til they are exhausted.

This is on the Moonguard and Wrymrest Accord servers, but I’m sure its elsewhere. It makes me not even want to play because this is such an unfair advantage they are getting due to this.

Well ty for banning those bots i guess… but you are not going to do anything for the next 3-4 months so it will be the same in a week or two. Also gg on killing clasic with the 30 instance cap and killing tbc in the same time. Im ashamed of myself to have put my trust in this conpagny again and to see it getting s*** on again…gg Actiblizzard.

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Believing it as an effect on bots is not equal to “this is so good for combating bots, thanks Blizz!”. Blizzard is probably going to do a number of things to combat them, and I am on record stating that there will be no one silver bullet.

THAT SAID, I do not believe that the lockout change was targeting only bots, but a playstyle (bot or “legit player”) that was demolishing the economies. You simply cannot have the levels of gold being generated without gold sinks to compensate. Those fringe farmers/boosters that were generating obscene amounts of gold from instance runs negatively affect the economies the same way bots do. The only difference is one is automated.

people play the games in two different way thats why there are pvp realms and pve realms

If your not going to give WoW Classic the respect it deserves (as this is Blizzards legacy game) you should allow the private server mods to take over moderating it


agree, they also were doing a better job at managing it.

This stinks of a damage control thread. “See? We really are banning bots! See? See?”

Roll back the instance cap. You messed up. Just say it.

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They will do like they did on bfa, i dont remember what it was for they blamed the players saying ohh we made this change because you wanted it etc.

While you’re working on other solutions bring back “buy gold, get banned”

I’m already seeing Stratholme filled up with bots once again, and strangely, several new characters have been created and are overfilling Elwynn Forest and Westfall.

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You do realize that the gold will still be generated, right? Bot farms are not limited to one account. Those “fringe farmers/boosters” you clearly despise so much are just going to charge more gold for their services now, since there is a new lockout scarcity on the activity.

This is not a fix, this is a ridiculous limitation that negatively impacts regular players farming for pre-raid BiS and consumables for raiding. Want to peak into UBRS to check for Jed? Better hope you don’t get a string of bad resets. Want to farm out that SGC? Too bad a bunch of people already got to farm theirs with unlimited daily resets.