Actions Taken Against Unfair Gameplay

Thank you for doing something about the AV botters!

[Citation needed]


What have they won?

Yeah, don’t need to be a multi-boxer to do that.

No, that’s botting. If a boxer walks away from their computer nothing happens with the character. If a botter walks away from their computer the characters keep doing things. There is a difference.



You should build a bridge, and get over it.

This crusade against boxers will not end the way you think it will.


Yet the botters on my realm are still going … rip

Agreed, banning is only delaying them coming back for more. Take away the rep and honor ~ or better yet DEDUCT a RANK every time they are banned. The only way to stop the behavior is with serious consequences.


Get em!

No… because 5 Alliance can group up and do the same thing. Trust me they do it all the time in retail.

Seriously i’m not sure why this is so hard for Alliance to understand. Did your helicopter parents pay bigger kids to beat up the kids on the teams you played “sports,” against or something? Unfair advantages isn’t a difficult concept.

Yes and Alliance can do the exact same thing. That makes it fair. Again, why is this so difficult for your side?

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They may not be helping, but they aren’t AFK botting either. These bans are targeted at players using anti AFK scripts, just like I told you guys weeks ago when the first ban wave went out.


Will of the forsaken is a crutch for bad players.

So again, only a suspension…So they will be back within a few days to ruin our games again.

Did you get the numerous horde jumping into the Alliance base?

Who remembers the best automated program for wow freaking “Glider” have it going while you at school or work and it was undetectable. The ol days man now don’t ask me how I know but my friend is still playing on level 120 characters that he glided in Vanilla lmao. Dude was setting a whole path around the whole Dang Barrens and BRM lol This is pre-battleNet, but remember when u could link accounts and merge accounts before battenet was a thing. The names of the accounts didn’t have to be the same you just had to know the secret answer and question. Bots in the day would always be at SM for some reason and it was real obvious especially if you tag their mob or try to fight them. Bots today are not even bad but still annoying.

address unfair gameplay huh mr kalvax… i would love to know where the heck u were at during p1 honor with no bgs… do u play horde must have been very fair huh? not being able to land at any flight path was truly fair gameplay

Do you not remember they launched battlegrounds like 3 months early to fix that?

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yeah of course they did the game was un playable for a month while horde got to farm and gear up

Why is this a problem now? You let layer exploits and XP exploits go unpunished few weeks after launch.

Wasnt that just “creative use of game mechanics” - guess all that gold they made and race to farm mats didn’t harm anyone else.

And notice the avatar, he was banned the same day the BC was released level 63. The gods at blizzard gave him back last year. Boy that mane been places and seen things lol

Now imagine 3 more month of that. BGs were supposed to launch with BWL.

Just wanted everyone to know I…
… got to rank 13; not suspended.
… did the pally pull; not suspended.
… did premades in AV; not suspended.
… layer hopped; not suspended.

Glad the actual cheaters are getting suspended, though.


“Clever use of game mechanics”

Blaming racials is a crutch for bad players

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