Action Bars reset between spec changes

During pre-patch and even now when I switch between Resto and Boomkin the action bars update appropriately, but since I was leveling as Guardian, any time I change to resto to do a dungeon, my action bars are wiped of all resto related abilities and I have to put them back on the bar. Then when I go back to Guardian again, I have to re-add the Guardian abilities. This is getting quite annoying. Help appreciated.


Same bug for Devestation to Preservation on an evoker… And I saw post on here yesterday mentioning it for a shaman as well. This is pretty crippling for hybrids, so much lost time fixing settings between spec changes.

Same on Monk, Mistweaver to Windwalker and back again.


Same when switching to Druid Feral, Berserk, Tiger’s Fury, Primal Wrath all missing from the bars on switching to Feral from Guardian, Guardian spells missing when switching from Feral > Guardian as reported above also. No bar mods installed. Both specs haved saved spec loadout.


Same on DK, Frost and Unholy. ACtion bars clear and recent talents selected while levelling cleared

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Just had this happen to me as well, changing from Windwalker to Brewmaster.

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Leveling / questing as Guardian, switching to Resto for PvP / dungeons, this is happening constantly. I’ve noticed that it keeps switching my talents to a “default loadout” instead of my actual saved talent builds.

I don’t understand this, but I’m literally going to stop playing the game if it’s not fixed. Every time I enter a dungeon / BG my group has to sit there and wait for me to redo my action bars. Absolutely unacceptable.


This is also happening to me, going between balance and resto. It’s driving me insane.

I’m currently using Dominoes but I tried disabling all of my addons and it still does it. I even tried making a new load out after I disabled everything and it still doesn’t work right. This is SO ANNOYING.

This should be a very high priority issue… It might be impacting a small number of players, but it is clearly a bug that makes the game basically unplayable for those it impacts. How has Blizzard not even acknowledged the bug!?


I just uninstalled WoW (Retail and Classic), deleted all settings/files that are left after uninstall to make sure all local settings and mods were purged. Reinstalled, and the problem persists. Clearly this seems to be some sort of character DB corruption on the Blizzard side, and once a character is corrupt, they lose the ability to change specs without completely redoing their interface. This is clearly a major bug for those impacted, and if it’s not fixed, I will definitely be unsubscribing.


Yes. I got that issue too. Every time I switch between healer and tank spec, the action bars are reset.

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Sorry wrong character. It is my Druid that has the bug.

having the same issue … tons of down time due to it

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same issue

Sanguini’s suggestion on this page seems to have worked for me:


  1. Delete all existing loadouts.
  2. Create a new loadout for each spec you want to use.
  3. Highlight the loadout, and you’ll see a settings button. Click it.
  4. In this menu, select “Shared Action Bars”. Make sure you do this on all loadouts you’ve created and in each spec you care about.
  5. Try adding some SPEC (Not class) abilities on your current action bars. Then, switch specs to test out if they stick this time.

Hope this helps, it worked for me.


I have this same issue, swapping between elemental and resto.

I posted a bug report at Github with the developer of dominoes, who informed me that dominoes has absolutely nothing to do with which abilities are saved to which buttons.

I disabled ALL addons, and this issue of my bars saving between specs is still occurring.

This only happens on one character as well.

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This worked for me as well, thank you!!!

Same thing is happening to me on my Monk. Windwalker and Mistweaver reset every time I change between the two specs.

I followed these steps and it worked for me. Seems counter intuitive that sharing the action bars would cause them to save from spec to spec. Especially when I have class abilities in different places on mistweaver and windwalker. I hope this is fixed soon.

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Happening to me now, didnt start till 68. Bouncing between enh and resto. Hoping this issue corrects itself at 70, very annoying.