Action bars move to the top-left after /reload and relog


After the latest update (, my actions bars - Action Bar 6, Possess Bar, and Stance Bar specifically - reposition to the top-left after every /reload and when I relog. The only temporary solution I have is to switch between a default layout back to my custom-made layout.


What’s going on !


Your not the only one, this is huge on EU forums, after this weeks patch. A quarter of my guild has same issue. I have etc. Deleted addons, deleted folders, renamed stuff, re-installed nothing working edit isnt saving it right have to swap betweet ui every time from scratch this is an anoying bug and blizz hasnt said anything.


Same here. Action Bar 3 is moving to the top left every time I log in.


Happening to me also. If I enter edit mode and immediately exit without doing anything, it goes back to proper position.


See my post on how I finally got it to stick:

  1. load a default profile like modern(preset)
  2. reload my custom profile
  3. select my action bar that ends up having issues
  4. disable snapping
  5. move it a hair
  6. save the profile
  7. enable snapping
  8. then move it back to where I normally have it
  9. save the profile

My action bar 1 on ALL my characters will move to top left on logging on. I have to select a preset layout and go back to my main layout and it fixes it. I deleted ALL my layouts and crated new ones and this is continuing to happen. This started at the start of 11.0.5. I have disabled all addons and it is still happening. There has to be something in the patch that is moving bars.


Thanks for the info, I’ll try this.
It’s going to be fun since I have a lot of alts! lol
Though it doesn’t happen on all of them.


If they share the same profile, it should fix it on all of the alts that use it. Personally, I only use a single custom profile and once I fixed it, it stayed fixed on every alt that I tried(used a bunch for headless horseman).

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Did not work at all.

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Yes, I tried that as well and did not work for me. The bar is still moving on its own.

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Follow the steps exactly. The saving between micro-edits is crucial. Also, try running a /reload after you finish with the editing. This will ensure that it’s saved. Not 100% sure, but it might also get stored on the servers and running this might refresh it on the servers if that’s the case.

If you’re still having issues, disable all addons, addon managers, cloud drives, etc. It’s possible that some kind of backup app is overwriting the files every time.

Worst comes to worst, do a full UI reset following the Blizzard guide and run /console cvar_default but this will wipe absolutely everything and default all your settings for everything. I don’t know if custom UI profiles survive it, but they might.


My action bars are fine but my pet bar on both my warlock and hunter do this every time I login. I switch to edit mode, the bar pops back to its normal place and I exit edit mode and it stays there. Not a big deal but it kinda matches the anniversary patch in that everything just feels kinda janky now, so many weird bugs.

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Anyone from Blizzard interested in looking into this or at least commenting?


Do what I said earlier in the 4th post, but with the bars that keep moving for you.

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It may not do anything but you also might want to try resetting your password there is a server side cache that stores some of your UI variables and generally changing your password resets the server side cache.


I’m having the same problem except it’s only happening on my hunter, no other class is effected.

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Add me to the list. Same issue happening on my hunter since 1105. Very annoying bug.


I have same issue, also not working using the quick fix guide and not overly interested in full resetting everything, sad if it has to come to that. Hopefully someone off @blizzard would be interested in fixing it eventually…


I have reset everything and created a new profile and still on login will move my action bar to a different location. This is extremely frustrating and 0 blizzard response.


Please remember to reply to this post every now and then to keep it alive. Waiting for this to get fixed.

I went as far as uninstalling and reinstalling twice. The only thing that keeps the action bars from moving is using one of the presets, but that’s only two action bars. We need at least 6 lol

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