Actibliz, for the love of Azeroth, GET RID OF LAYERING

I’m not going to go into the many specifics of why it doesn’t work for classic wow, because I am sure you have seen the multitude of threads relating to this topic. I know you’ve stated that layering is only a temporary fix in the past. I urge you, however, to remove it completely before launch and never, ever, look back.
You all seem to believe that competing for mob tags and nodes takes away from the overall gameplay experience. I am here to tell you that nothing could be farther from the truth. I played on the stress test yesterday, when I got home from work, and it felt empty. I know there were more than 50 people in the territory because /who brought up a full list. This didn’t negate the effects of seeing no more than 20 different people, in three hours of gameplay.
The lack of competition makes you feel like you’re playing Battle for Azeroth, and I have literally no interest in playing bfa. Please realize that the two communities do not have, or need, to overlap. By trying to make it more appealing to the crowd of people who want instant gratification, similar to that of the modern client, you alienate the very community of people who have been so adamantly asking you to let us come home for the better part of a decade.
I have bought and played every expansion of the game you have released in an effort to give you the benefit of the doubt, and lately am always sorely disappointed. Please do not let us, the classic wow community, down in this regard. Do right by us, and you’ll be taking our $15/month to the bank for many, many years to come with very minimal overhead, in regards to developing new content. Please heed this advice. I can only hope you do not want another Battle for Azeroth or Warlords of Draenor fiasco.
I would like to genuinely say thank you, though. I can honestly say that I speak for all of us nilla nerds out there when I say we appreciate everything you have done, and will do in the future, for us.

One dedicated, and very concerned, neck beard.


With 0 posts, and who can’t use a search function.


And seems to not know anything about formatting, either. Big block o’ text is a bad look, bro. Maybe try this newfangled concept called ‘paragraphs’.


To be fair, “wall-o-text” is totally within the neckbeard wheelhouse.


Hmm. Fair enough. Point to you!

Haha is that supposed to offend me?

No, it is supposed to be a critique so your post could be something readable, rather than a block of badly formatted screed that makes the phone book look easy to read line by line in comparison. Your post, as is, detracts from any points you might make, because it is poorly formatted and discourages people from actually reading it.

I’m sorry. You are so right. Let me go edit this forum post into an MLA essay format and get it double checked by grammarly, so some random internet troll doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

I see full stops and capitals. He’s at least ‘advanced neckbeard’.


I like this post despite the wall of text that critted me and prompted me to not read. . But the comments!! I f ing <3 this community!!

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They’re out there, Eloraell, and they’re only getting stronger… :skull:

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Its more about:

We’re sick of responding with the same things to the same points on a post by a “brand new” alt or poster, who hasn’t read any of the rebuttals because they consider their opinion to be new and insightful, despite the fact that we’ve read the same thing a hundred times in only the last few weeks.

So we make fun.

EDIT: Also, were you on Realm 3?

You’re entirely entitled to do that. Haha keep the salt flowing. And ya I was on realm 3.

It does take away from gameplay. I also don’t know what time and what server you were playing on but generally there were too many people in the areas I was playing. The realms were literally unplayable for a time after they reduced the servers down to two.

I’m sorry, I thought you actually wanted someone to read what you wrote. It seems you were more interested in textual self-satisfaction. Carry on.

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Realm 3 was (as far as we can tell) set up to see whether you would feel this way. Low pop layers with far more of them, than Realm 15 which had high layer populations and low counts.

This was the point of the stress test. To put different people into different conditions and see how they felt about them.

Read this thread (and comment) for more information:

Those wall of text crits need to be nerfed.

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I am really getting bored of these topics.
Layering will be in just learn to accept the truth of it.
Blizzard will use it to combat the population drop off issue and that is that.

No amount of screaming about it will make them screw the game in the long term just so a few misguided neckbeards can be happy about the launch being a miserable chaotic piece of garbage.

I’d be interested to know (not that we likely will ever know) if this was due to die-off/loss of interest, or if Blizz was actively implementing, tweaking, updating, etc. the layering tech.

“Okay, down to two servers… yeah, it’s a total pooch-screw. Let’s dial up layering to, say, 200 people per zone? Make it happen. … Okay, much more playable, people are tagging and questing, no bugs, no lag, etc. …”

I suspect it was this, but can’t be certain. Overall, I had a very enjoyable playing experience. I played more or less interruption-free from 3pm PST to about 730 PST- had one unexpected disco, and one Server-announced disco, but logged right back in. Had two minutes the entire time where I had loot and chat lag, but never again.

I logged back in at about 11pm on a new toon and played for almost two hours- zero issues, and the starting zone was healthy-packed. Some mob/spawn competition, but nothing that set me back more than a few minutes.

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I assumed you were reading forum posts because you had nothing better to do. Apparently I was wrong. You were looking to critique someone’s grammar.