Acti pulls their games from Geforce Now

Thank you for that valuable contribution…

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I am very disappointed by this as well. Geforce Now is the first streaming game service I have tried that works as advertised and I was really happy that Blizzard was one of the supporters of it. I have been a huge Blizzard fan since the first Warcraft game. I won’t quit playing their games, but it is another example of the corporate crap that seems to be an endless stream coming from them.

It is sad.


Yep its a forum, thats what people do… Still don’t care… bye.

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The reason is probably because game streaming platforms are seen as the same niche in a niche sort of thing as a Linux client. Sure, some people want it, but the cost of maintaining it outweighs the number of players it’d keep on board.

It probably also screws with their hack detection stuff something hardcore and makes it much harder to detect account sharing.

Keep your stuff an keep walking.

Oh no, the latest fad is not coming to a fifteen year-old game. Better jump ship now and hang onto the streaming bandwagon for dear life.

Since nobody else is offering I guess I’ll take it.

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Can someone explain what the big deal here is? Like whats the diffrence between GE and the launcher that makes or breaks it for people?

EDIT: Scrolled up and saw someone define it, I mean yeah I can see why that would be an inconvience as to why you would like to keep a system like that. On the other hand though I feel like as if there are more options avaiable that can aid in making the game less slow. Like turning down the graphics, or updating some compontes to your computer if your able to.

Cool story bro… bye.

Yea, the ability to run any PC game on any type of device and not require an expensive gaming rig is totally a fad… like who would want that?

People who hate exclusives, have worse connections than perfect, and who want to play their games without relying on a third party monopoly.

It just amazes me that people hated Cable companies for being too restrictive, but are willing to subscribe to eight different streaming services just for one or two things.

Streaming is a fad, just like VR.

Here you make an excellent point. I 100% agree.

Here you’re being obtuse.

No, I remember when VR first came out in the nineties. It had its moments, but eventually petered out.

Streaming is no different. Soon people will get tired of the exclusivity wars and paying $20 eight times a month and then someone will reinvent the Cable Company; where they will provide boxes for your household that will ‘stream’ whatever you want as long as you pay for it.

You’re so shortsighted (no offense)… People hate cable companies because of cost vs. features, regulations, taxes and fees.

Streaming is not going anywhere… Thats like saying DVD’s were a fad when VHS was king. VR is basically still a fad but it is evolving faster now than it ever has before.

I bet I would be outraged (Not at all)

if I knew what it was…

And soon people will hate streaming platforms because their too limited, exclusive driven, and unregulated.

All people are doing is re-inventing the wheel. It’s just a different medium. Pretty soon someone will come along and re-invent the Cable Company; offering a variety of things under a much bigger umbrella for a fixed price.

I will bet you $10 Google or Apple will come out with an ‘All Access Library’ of shows and games you can watch from one of their streaming boxes without the hassle of subscribing to multiple streaming services for a nominal fee.

And VR is still a fad. Its still too expensive and still can’t figure out freedom of movement.

Welcome to progress?? Are you complaining or pointing out the obvious?

It’s not progress. It’s a fad.

It’s like Apple re-inventing the iPhone every year to sell to hapless idiots that don’t know any better.

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Lol are you trolling? Whatever… I hope you have a happy misinformed life with your flip phone, cable TV, and VHS tapes.

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Actually in my case their service was excellent. 3ms latency and 50mbps. I can’t run the game nearly as “pretty” as their service at 60+ fps that’s for sure. Do I care, of course not. The biggest flaw with a service like this is that you can’t use addons, mods etc for games. They do support steam workshop however but then we have nexus and so on.

My problem is that we legit customers get punished for what a small fraction of the players do, like always.

Can I have the gold?