Acquiring Trust Level Three

Testing on a new char.

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Blizzard support linking




EDIT - Holy everything it WORKS!!! Ok could be my Beta group though. I know I am busted to TL0/1 on the other Blizzard forums.

Odd, I had SL and BFA beta, I believe I had beta before that honestly.

That could be, let me try a different character other than my Druid. Her name existed way before her and apparently I had posted with that name on other characters.

Nickaeladin btw, this toon was made recently and hasn’t had any changes, be it name, server or faction.

Multiple errors occurred: 1) Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post. 2) Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.

I tried Youtube, Imgur and Twitter.

<—- Tovi

Character is less than a month old.

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This is a recurring bug in Discourse where you’re allowed (by trust level) to link media but if you wait too long to submit the post, you’ll be prevented from submitting with that error. (“Too long” is “long enough for preview to process the link and generate an infobox for the link”. If you paste the link absolutely last and then immediately submit, most times it will work. But you may never be able to edit the post after that, because trying to submit the corrected post might also get the “cannot embed media” error.)

This error is occuring on all the other Discourse forums I partipate in, so this isn’t specifically a Blizzard issue.

Testing linky:


This is an unknown fact which has caused me to question; why aren’t screenshots from the game something allowd for TL2?

I feel like if some websites can be white listed, then screenshots from the game are the safest things to attach to a forum post.


Screenshots are saved to your computer. To let anyone else view them you need to upload them to a hosting site. That hosting site determines if it is white listed or not.

Blizzard does not allow posters to upload files from their computers to Blizzard’s server for hosting.


There are two aspects to this.

First, screenshots are not normally posted on the internet, so one form of posting screenshots is uploading the images directly to the forum servers. Discourse can technically accommodate this, but I don’t think Blizzard has enabled this because it requires extra storage space plus the willingness to manage that.

Second, screenshots can be hosted on third-party image hosting sites like imagur. But whitelisting a few of those feels like a legal minefield (“We are suing Blizzard because they unfairly block us”) and even the most likely to be whitelisted can host content that absolutely cannot normally be displayed here. Access to that risky capability is therefore restricted to those who have demonstrated they won’t abuse that capability.

So screenshots can’t really be an “everyone” thing until they find a trustworthy way to host the screenhots that no one can abuse.


Looks like some of those hosting sites might be white listed, according to the post above yours.

Also, when you say discourse, is that different from discord?

Yes. Discourse is website software. Discord is a chat service.


Specifically, Discourse is a web forum platform. All of Blizzard’s forums are Discourse, as are a lot of other forums.

For instance, here’s Discourse’s own Discourse forum for talking about Discourse.