Achievements are not appearing in guild chat

achievements is a number 1 wotlk thing - can this be please fixed

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Yes it will deffo will if they do not fix this before wotlk launch.
Imagine how pity it would be to get realm first and then nobody in the server knowing, lmao
What a joke

Itā€™s definitely sad knowing no user addon can announce these realm-firsts. Addons and weakauras that announce to guild chat work pretty well, however nothing can compare to the system announcements where you
A: KNOW theyā€™re legit.

B: (as per realm first) displayed in an inaccessible, worldwide channel

Iā€™ve basically fixed most of the bugs surrounding the achievement systems via a combination of WeakAuras, but the announcement to those around you / to the world (for realm-first achievments)

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they have one dev working on classic. Canā€™t expect much.

Still not there week after launch. Thanks for the add on tip


Add on works great but itā€™s a shame that one of the biggest box features of this expac is just broken. No sound, no system message from those around you that earn them, no guild announcement, they definitely feel dry.


After this morningā€™s maintenance, the achievements now display a system message for yourself and those around you when they are earned. Still no sound or Blizzard guild announcement, but a step in the right direction.

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It seems like it works for some but not everyone. Mine donā€™t seem to post to guild chat but I see other guildies achievements in chat

This is an issue that Blizzard decided not to fix, but addons have taken it up. Your guildies are most likely using Attune, but there are other addons or weakauras that can fix the issue as well. You can get Attune anywhere you get addons, and it has settings to enable the guild announce, or even put in a threshhold to only show big achievements.

Iā€™ve noticed that achievements DO post for SOME of my guildies but not for me. I also notice that some of the ones that post say that they were posted by Attune but again, others do not leadinbg me to believe that it is working for some people.

Then you should ask them what addon or weakaura they are using if it doesnā€™t say Attune. Itā€™s an addon or weakaura that is doing it. Blizzard does not have guild chat achievements enabled. A few months ago they enable system messages that appear when you are physically close to someone, but they donā€™t show up in guild chat at all without an addon or weakaura to do it.