Achievements are not appearing in guild chat

Use the addon that does it and use it til Blizzard fixes it.

Bug or not, I kinda prefer it that way, would be annoying to an entire guild logging in and spamming guild chat with over 100 achievements as soon as you log in

Oddly enough a guildie did the 5 daily quest achievement (simply re quest) and it got broadcasted to the guild without the attune addon.
h ttps://

but it would seem it’s the only achievement so far working as intended???

Unless this is a new version of attune or something.

Well anyways, another week goes by and we can only hope that after this tuesday maintence the achievements will get fix.

I hope this “bug” never gets fixed - no achievement spam in guild is a great change! If you have the need to feel special, turn on the notifications in attune.

I hope it gets fixed asap.
Else there is no point in hunting achievements at all, which was a huge part of the wotlk for many of us

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That’s actually an achievement announcement weakaura. I saw that and tried it out the first day, before Attune added the feature to their addon.

Any update on this? I thought this was a feature in Cata but it’s supposed to be in Wrath. There should be a sound effect when you get an achievement and it should show up in guild chat.

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I hope someone up there in blizzard is looking at this.
I know it’s only a matter of switching on a setting for them. It takes 0 time

Currently im using the addon AchievementSound and it does play the achivm sound plus the guild chat msg.


But it’s so sad that the community has to fix the problems themselves while it would literally take blizzard one second to switch the announcements on back again.

This shouldn’t still be an issue. Achievements are a major feature of Wotlk.


Fingers crossed it gets fixed before launch. I can only assume this would also effect the Realm First achievs which would definitely put a damper on the hype.


I mean if you don’t want to feel jealous of someone getting [Accomplished Angler] you can just /gquit… or I’m pretty sure there should be an option to turn it off.


Indeed, imagine getting Realm first and it not being announced to anyone. Lmao what a joke this is

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*pokes blizz…

Hey, you still with us? Can ya’ll let us know this is on your radar at a minimum?


The longer they don’t even so much as acknowledge this problem, the less hype I have to even play WotLK. who tf wants to play a game with achievements that don’t get announced unless you have a weakaura or an addon that makes you feel like a narcissist because not everyone else uses it?


Achievements were previously part of the chat. They could be turned on/off, just like say or yell, etc.

The only reason I came back was to enjoy completing achievements with friends and now there is no tracker apart from inspecting each other. This is soulwrenching.


I have to agree, takes away from the enjoyment of earning an achievement. Doesn’t even make a sound, just a sad little popup that can easily be missed.

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Another round of hotfixes and another round where this is missed and ignored.

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It looks like this bug is still occurring and has not been fixed. The Wrath launch is fast approaching. Will this also affect the Server First achievements?

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