Achievement display bugged with 10.2.5 patch

On my first sign in on 10.2.5 i noticed several issues with achievement menu:

  • when selecting “all” view there are some sections which show the same achievement ‘earned’ AND ‘incomplete’ (for me for example in Quests- cataclysm , I can see '20,000 leagues under the see both highlighted and not highlighted in the same page)

-some menus almost seem like it thinks im the other faction, Im on a horde character, but in ‘expansion features- argent tournament’ it shows ‘champion of darnassus’ as incomplete as if i were alliance

  • some achievements are now missing in BOTH ‘earned’ and ‘incomplete’ menus, such as in quests-cataclysm “veteran of the molten front”- completely gone.

(I have done ‘reload’ as well as sign in /out and full restart client a few times.

anyone else? please help! (i have no friends and getting achievement points is the only thing keeping me holding on here)


I’m having the same issue. Some things are not displaying. If I look at my continent quest achievements, it’s showing Ghostlands (I am alliance)

I can still earn achievements and it doesn’t seem to be impacting that, but the display is borked


I have the same issue, my achievements are completely screwed up. Some that I’ve completed are now showing half completed, or now they are showing all ticked but not awarded. I can see horde achievements on my alliance character, its all over the place :frowning:


Hello, I’m having the same issue here. Some horde achievements are showing on the alliance side and vice versa, in the pvp tab, the profession tab and so on. Hopefully a hotfix will solve this :slight_smile:


Same thing here, doing that interphase reset with cacheOld, etc. didnt work either

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Same thing here, issues with Pandaria achievements being displayed twice instead of displaying what i’m actually missing.

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Same bug here. Achievements like To All The Squirrels I Set Sail To See are not visible in the list.

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Same for me as well. I have been doing the meta-achievement in Nazjatar and now it’s not showing up along with others that I know are in the achievement that I’m still missing. Hopefully they fix it quickly


I have the same issue. Not only is it showing stuff I already completed as incomplete as well as having them listed as completed; I am also finding achievements hidden as well (which fortunately I remember what they are and have been slowly doing them). Mine in particular are Cataclysm and Pandaria quests.

Please get this fixed asap.


same here. I lost some achievement points as well.


Same issue here as well. missing a bunch of previously earned achievements


Same issue here. My achievements are wildly screwed up. Alliance achievements showing on horde. Some achievements not showing completed despite criteria shown checked off. Some seem to have progress reset. Three achievements that I have not completed have actually disappeared entirely (sabertron assemble is one).


I’m not convinced this is a bug . . . It’s only showing achievements that have an equivalent on the other faction, but only where the storyline/requirements differ. So for example, there’s two versions of the Borean Tundra quest achievement since the story is different for Horde/Alliance, but not for Sholozar, where the story is the same.

I wonder if this is a back-end fix to prep for Warbands? If you need to see your progress across all characters, it makes sense you might want to see Horde progress on an Alliance toon.

Even if their intention is to start showing both Horde-only and Alliance-only achievements from any character, there’s clearly issues with the current state. For example, the mount collection achievements. I have the 500 mounts achievement, but theres a repeat of the 100 mounts achievement showing as un-earned because it has a faction-specific reward. When I log in as the other faction though, that achievement is already complete.


Came to report the same issue, alliance achievements showing up

Other achievements I hadn’t completed yet (i.e Sabertron Assemble in BFA Quests) no longer show up at all, along with every BFA Quest achievement I don’t already have except for the complete quests in alliance zones ones (I’m horde)


Same here, I have horde achievements showing up.

And other achievements are missing such as the ones tracking Battleground Blitz wins and matches, and a bunch of pet battle achievements like Taming Kalimdor.

These are just to name a few. Hope they fix the issue soon.


i got the same issues it say i got 100 out of 100 mount i have more than 250 mount


Similar issue here. I’ve been 100%ing Draenor and after the patch noticed achievements I had already completed were showing up as incomplete. Rewards (titles, mounts, etc. were still intact, and if I open up an achievement with multiple reqs, those will all still be checked off. It doesn’t affect all achievements; I noticed specifically Ten Hit Tunes, Don’t Call Me Junior, More Plots, Garrison Buddies, and The Stable Master. I also have As I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow of Moon (an Alliance quest).

The achievements are all still there and marked as complete–the incomplete versions appear to be duplicates. I suspect they’ve replaced the missing achievements, because I’m having that issue too–primarily Garrison Naval stuff. It seems to be the same overall number, the ones I’m missing were just like… body snatched. Pretty inconvenient, and really hoping that the progress I make towards those achievements is still being tracked, as I have completed some more bonus Naval missions.

I completed the recommended cacheOld etc. procedure and it didn’t resolve the issue.


Same here, I’ve been working on the Cataclysm quest achieves Have We Met and Ready for Raiding II and noticed they disappeared, though you can still search for them and click on the dropdown. The achievement menu will then open up the cataclysm quest tab but they aren’t there. I’m sure there’s more like the above posts are saying.


The mount collection achievement is bugged as well… showing the first, Mountain O’ Mounts achievement as 100/100, but it is no longer ‘completed’ for me.