Achievement display bugged with 10.2.5 patch

I actually feel like this is the case and the change is intended. I haven’t leveled a Horde evoker, for example, and so I don’t have their version of the achievement since they go with a different sub-faction of dracthyr to end that chain.

Unlocking the faction-specific hiding of these achievements would be on the same level of them unlocking all the covenant-specific achievements which weren’t tied to your current covenant in SL.

That being said, it’s a little troubling that some simply aren’t showing at all.

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If you get an achievement that is not appearing but supposed to be there, it seems it displays after but doesn’t fix anything. I got Avengers of Hyjal reputation achievement, and it wasn’t displaying in the not earned before getting it and instead I had a horde reputation achievement. After getting it, the horde achievement is still here and an alliance one got “removed” (in the not earned section).

I think for the faction specifics achievement they should make us get them if we got one of the two faction version instead of re-grinding. For the Dracthyr one it’s only a couple quests saying “Welcome to Orgrimmar/Stormwind” missing for the other faction once you do it once and it feels stupid to re-do a character just for this.


Well I’m glad I’m not the only one who experience this. This is pretty annoying though for a moment I thought I really lost the achievement and had to redo it but found it was duplicated twice.

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It seems mostly faction based, but i just found another one hidden:
“everything is awesome” (just throwing awesomefish) which I believe is both faction , and not part of any meta achieve,
so the warband theories make sense but there are definitely other things broken. did you all also make in game bug reports?

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At first I wanted to believe the theory seeing there are different horde and alliance faction achievements but in the Cataclysm tab I have two achievements for King of the Mountain (I completed it on Alliance and not Horde). Yeah I get the requirement is different in a technical sense for alliance and horde questing in Twilight Highlands but it shares the same title and the objective is the same not much different.

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I’m having the same issues with the Draenor Garrison achievements (Advanced Husbandry, Chopping Even More Logs, Ten Hit Tunes, More Pots, The Stable Master) that I have completed and are not showing up as completed even though they show I have done the tasks.

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I was just a few naval missions away from the “Captain” title and this all happened with achievements getting bajiggity. That said, I was turning in some naval missions today that I had going on and it completed the Naval Combat Expert achievement despite it having not been showing from the bug and would appear the progress remained.

Fingers crossed other achievements didn’t lost progress and are just hiding right now.

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Same issue. Some achievements aren’t showing at all, some show as not being complete despite all criteria being met (the achievement was finished long ago anyway), and certain horde only achievements showing on my alliance main. Really odd, not to mention inconvenient for achievement hunters.

Edit: These seem to primarily be related to Draenor and Garrison achievements, at least as far as I can tell. I can’t see the three remaining achievements I needed in the Quest > Draenor tab, or the achievements under the Garrison tab that I needed.

Edit 2: Someone in-game wasn’t able to see the Mechadone achievement in BFA either, unless you search for it by name manually. The issue apparently is not isolated to WoD content.

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Just noticed that the achievements I am currently tracking in my objectives are no longer listed in the achievements page (I started tracking these before the patch). So achievements have gone missing as well :frowning:
I would really love if someone could tell us when this will be fixed, makes it very hard to play as an achievement collector.


I have the same issue on Silvermoon-EU.

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Same, 500 achieve didnt pop and collections says 100


Ditto. Went to check progress on mount collection and it’s sitting at 100/100 Mountain o’ Mounts for a Blue Dragonhawk on my Horde toons (Should be 490-something or other for Thanks for the Carry). I checked my Alliance alts and everything seems to be tracking normal there. Definitely had me worried for a minute.


Things are a bit messed up all over the place. I completed the new 10.2.5 achievement “Goggle Wobble” for the new Archives world quests today, and now I am unable to see the “Just One More Thing” achievement which was also added in this patch to check its progress. I can see it incomplete on the “The Archives Called, You Answered” meta achievement but when I try to click, navigating to the achievement fails. Prior to completing Goggle Wobble, I was able to see that individual achievement.

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Same, countless achievements are bugged all over the place. Some from the opposite faction are showing, some that were completed aren’t anymore, some show completed sub-steps, but the achievement still isn’t completed, some don’t pop after finishing the criteria, some are missing entirely.

No idea what happened, but they somehow managed to completely break the entire achievement system.

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The problem is as well, as I complete the hidden achievements the bug progresses. I almost have no active achievements shown for Pandaria now, just bugged ones.

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Same issue here as well, with the Mountain o’ Mounts achievement. Furthermore, I don’t seem to have the Blue Dragonhawk (the listed reward for the achievement) in my mount collection. I have 526 total mounts, but that’s not one of them. On Ravencrest - US.

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That’s because it’s an Alliance mount. Horde get the Red Dragonhawk

But wanted to chime in too mine is bugged as well.


Having the same issue too (OCE - Frostmourne). Achievements that I am tracking no longer appear to exist in the Achievements tab/list, and some achievements I’ve completed appear incomplete.
Achievements seem to be accessible through Narcissus though.
I’m hoping they revert or fix whatever they’ve done because it’s confusing and irritating.

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Ahhh, I never realized. Thank you for pointing that out. :slight_smile:

Still, I guess it’s part of the glitch that it’s showing me an Alliance reward while on a Horde toon. That’s what threw me off.

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Adding to the thread. Also have a number of achievements I’m working on not showing up in the UI. For me it’s a few Mechagon achievements (like the one for getting all blueprints, and also Outside Influences).