Accounts still locked - After Using AH

Yeah I was thinking more that they would extend the account’s sub by the time they were locked out; I know I phrased it more like a monetary refund and that’s my bad. I just hate when legit players get screwed over by Blizzard’s mistakes. I don’t expect them to be perfect and never make mistakes, but I don’t think it’s too much to ask that they own their mistakes and make good with their customers.


I do, however the phone line was supposed to be for Billing, Account Access, some Tech Support.

Tickets were supposed to be for appeals, GM in-game issues, etc.

Two things happened:

  1. Phone lines got overwhelmed with calls for all manner of things. Quest help, GM jokes, yelling at them, making game suggestions, etc. Stuff they were not for. Most times you dialed you got a busy signal. IF you got into queue, there was often a 2 hour wait on hold. It was a dreadful experience, esp if you discovered you reached Billing and account services and not a GM who could assist with a game issue.

  2. Cell phones have paid minutes, esp back when the change went through. Being on hold burning minutes is not a good experience.

The ticket system they have now is not optimal, and now there are a lot more games they support than just WoW. It tries to put things into the right buckets so people can get help faster, but is not always easy to use and does not always get a great response.

You can still get live chat or (before the pandemic), phone callback, but that is only for certain issues.

In this case, there is nothing CS can tell anyone besides “they are locked pending review”. That is all the info they have right now until the Hacks team, specialists, devs, etc. are done and provide information to them.

That is essentially what adding days of game time does. Putting a game time card on an account causes the account to use that game time first before it bills the subscription that is set up.

In this case, many impacted players seem to have had their Subs removed from the account. Normally that is only done when an account is suspended for more than 2 weeks. So that it won’t bill when they can’t play.

I don’t think the locked accounts are all in trouble, so that is a bit odd. I get it though. They don’t want to have folks credit cards billed when they can’t play!

CS will make the call as to account credits once they have info on how long this will take. I would hope they do credit game time to the accounts. It would only be fair.


It’s not even the sub-time directly that is the issue but the insane opportunity costs of the lost time. Players like me who pay for sub with gold NEED to play to make that gold, and for economy players also like myself, cancel scanning and reposting is a regular routine. Not only that, but a region-wide commodities market and complete market reset is akin to a new raid tier for a raider. It was a chance to tap into a brand-new, completely untouched market. They want professions to be another end-game “pillar” to their game? Well I am one of those players that would participate in this “pillar”, and this is what to expect in Dragonflight?

I was excited for this update, and while it has already been established that Blizzard is incompetent in the QA department (“This always happens! You should have known better!”), and cares very little about their customers (proven by the lack of communication), this is a complete letdown and I am massively disappointed. What little compensation Blizzard may provide (if even they do), will not compare to the EXPERIENCE that they have taken away from us. After all, MMORPGs are about the EXPERIENCES that we create, and the loss of trust in the company cannot be compensated.

While there are no real competitors to Wow, and they can get away with this BS - if ever the time comes, they make it all too easy to make the switch.


Is pretty automated via TSM and shouldn’t be allowed either way, same with scroll wheel and macro posting where you don’t have to check and type in prices but the addon does it for you. It’s weird Blizzard STILL Allows so much automation.


I’ve had more time today to look around and I’m starting to wonder how many this issue has affected? Is it 100’s or 1,000’s. I don’t see Asmongold or any streamers talking about it. It’s not on YouTube videos. It’s not on Wowhead headlines. Why did this happen to just us? I’m guessing many people posted auctions that day just like we did went to sleep,work, raided or the many other possibilities and thought no different as we trust in blizzard with our items that we crafted with our time or the many other ways people find things to sell on the Auction House. I post all my auctions by just using the old fashion way. I have TSM but I don’t like some add on to have control of my postings. I like tsm as it’s my bookkeeper and keeps track of things for me as I’m getting old and don’t do spreadsheets myself anymore.


I’d like to know how many folks were locked but discussing account actions is supposed to be against the forum rules.

I’m just thankful I only manually posted a single stack of fish just to see how it worked. The only way I was directly affected was when the AH came back up later that same eve I bought a token at 182k, the next morning it had been removed.

Ah well. I can only imagine the aggravation I would be feeling had this happened to me on accident as I am certain that’s the case for many folks.

It is weird but the game’s ah ui is very tedious and that’s the part they should have worked on rather than making commodities region wide.


It would take many goblins literally all day every day to post their auctions without something like TSM.

That’s the point, it’s automation AND it’s a big advantage over not using it.


It is not automated. It requires player involvement to post, cancel, or buy auctions.
The lack of base UI making these things easier to do is not the fault of TSM or any other addon.

However, they nerfed soar because of the logic that it gives some players an advantage over others. I’d say AH addons are the same thing.

So? We should all be on an equal playing field.


If you want an even playing field, get TSM or advocate for better base AH UI. There will always be AH addons as long as addons are permitted, there is much to improve on in the base UI.
What is soar? You mean the flying mechanic in DF? Completely unwarranted nerf also irrelevant to this topic.

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Also by this logic, why wouldn’t we remove all addons?
DBM is arguably extremely op, as are tons of other addons.

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Patience, boys, I feel that this problem will last at least 2 weeks or more to fix, so we have no other choice but to wait.

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Hopefully not. Could at least give us account access back and lock characters involved in bug individually so we can still play. But we are at their mercy so waiting is all we can do.


Yeah I hope so also. I’m so lost without being able to get on. It’s been something I’ve done since 2006. I feel like I’m trying to find something I can’t find. I just been walking around in a fog. I just don’t know what to do with myself. I always play by the rules so this really feels unfair.


Yea i randomly got locked out yesterday and have yet to get a response to my ticket. A shame that after all these years this happens to people who DONT abuse the system


Two weeks? Ouch. Long waiting game. Time to start a new show. I heard ‘Old Man’ is awesome

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Ideally they could have some kind of negative balance.

I wouldn’t say all, just the ones that automate or give an unfair advantage and yeah DBM definitely is one of those.

If your argument is that “Automation is when someone does an input to start it” Then nothing is really automated, which makes no sense. It reduces a ton of the player inputs you would normally have to do, like checking the price, comparing prices, and typing in the price you want to set. Not to mention scanning to check and see which of your items got undercut, which without using it a lot more checking.


I hope they’re crediting game time to the people affected, if they weren’t knowingly exploiting it. Lol.

Cause I’d be very peeved if I lost access to my account for days because of a bug they caused and I stumbled on accidentally. Lol.