Accounts still locked - After Using AH

Has anyone who got stuck in the lockout been lucky enough to regain access yet? I was curious if it was going to be 1 by 1 as they finish restoring them, or if it would be a big batch.


Sadly I haven’t going on 2 days now :expressionless:

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still locked. i will be reporting.

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TSM isn’t a botting program, lol.

I do understand they have a lot to do to resolve this issue. I think it would help if Blizz tried to at least give us a estimate for how long they think it will take even if its not spot on. Might help temper expectations.


I don’t think they can do that until they have a specialist go through the account and trace the gold.

That was a guess by the other poster. Blizzard has not said anything at all about it. I don’t think they know how long it will take to manually review accounts, fix things, and start unlocking them.

If it was related to the AH, then the GMs don’t have any info yet. They have not been told by the folks doing the investigations when they will unlock them.

Blizzard has not said yet. The CS folks on the forums, and past history, shows any decisions made on that will be done after it is resolved, or after a policy has been made and communicated.

They did remove the re-occuring subs from the locked accounts so they won’t bill while they can’t be used. They do have the ability to provide game time compensation (sort of mini game cards) for lost days if that is what they decide to do.

This is not the fault of the players so hopefully they do issue game time for folks. It would be teh right thing to do.


I agree with this…feel like they should know whether we are looking at a few weeks or few days at least


this might take a minute or two

thats what im beginning to think…wish we had a little more info

Updating for you Folks waiting, my account is no longer locked and is active again. I am able to log into the wow app now, currently at work so can’t actually tell you ingame what happened. But still no email or ticket response.


My account has been unlocked as well. No email or ticket response either. Just happened to be on lunch and noticed the account was no longer locked on the Bnet App

same ! my account has been unlocked too
nothing for the 3 days of game time i lost tho…

what a disgrace, might want to ask on the cs forum maybe and see if someone has an answer

My account is also unlocked, (So happy!) I didn’t receive a notice or email of any kind. This I’m guessing is good in cases like this. Geez! My support tickets were wiped but I’m sure that’s customary as its the same issue I’m posting about here on forums. Thank you all for chiming in and giving me hope.
8/23 edit: I did receive a month of extra time, so thats cool

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What a cluster created by Blizzard.

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I’m unlocked also. I’m going through my mail just be sure everything is okay and it’s not. I see items that were paid out that shouldn’t be. I’m updating my ticket as I’m going through it all with as much info as I can provide. What a mess…

Blizzard owes everyone this happened to free game time for life and all gold stolen from the refunded.

What a disgrace.

Just opened up my Wow app to look at the AH and see how much gold I had, I should have 280,000 but it says I have 2,189,000 so still way too much gold. Now once I get home to put in another ticket and see what’s happening definitely don’t feel comfortable playing that character and spending any gold.

As far as I know they are unlocking all accounts. They removed the gold from the most serious offenders.

I just got unlocked after being locked since Tuesday at 10pm CST
Most of my actively played characters have had all of their gold wiped?!?! What the actual ****. I understand wiping my bank toon that interacted with the auction house that I know definitely had the bug happen, because I ran a bunch of cancels after seeing the undercuts, but quite literally had 3 other characters that did NOT use the AH get all their held gold wiped

Edit: I have been notified that I have been comped 30 days of game time. I am still deciding whether or not that makes up for the flat loss of my 350k that just disappeared.