Account Wide Reputation: How To Implement and Why We Need It

Don’t just make a token to make you hit exalted. Put an account bound item on each rep vendor. Once you hit exalted you can buy it. Have the item increase rep gains by 50%. Like that one item in korthia does.

As someone said let our exalted toon buy tabards that give double rep for the quest or dungeon and equal amount to chosen tabard. Or just let us buy rep tokens. WoD had them! They still sell at auction for 2,000 to 10,000 for 250 rep across all WoD factions. You need to buy quite a few to get exalted. —‘ of the legion’ is how I search for them, forget the name atm.

I’ve been asking for this for ages. They must adapt and give us something like account bound reputation.


it would.


sorry don’t do twisted

can’t think?
It’s not hard, it’s actually quite obvious.

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They’ve had the solution for the last 10 years we’ve been asking for this.

Previous expansion reps should be account wide.

Current expansion reps should have token catch ups or rep tabards at exalted. That way you’re putting in less work to “re do” the grind, but you aren’t having to do this with every expansion and rep put into the game.

Especially since they seem intent on adding 10 reps an expansion and tying important things to them.


i think your main should be allowed to continue to gain rep into Exalted and be allowed to transfer it to alts. point for point. or, similar to the 10k exalted reward, each 10k rep after exalted, mint a 10k rep token. BOA.

Blizzard thinks that by preventing us from having Account Wide rep, we gonna play the game more because the grind requires it, instead we just play less because the activity becomes too boring.


The game is still heavily character focussed.
A level 1 gnome is not going to be exalted with any faction, even their own.


So? Have a level requirement relative to that expansion so BFA reps would require 50.

Most people see their characters as different loadouts. They already reached exalted once or more on one character they don’t want to regrind it again and again to have exalted on one of each class.

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I honestly hate the idea. How can a level 1 goblin be exalted with any faction?

Making rep account wide means nobody with do events or stuff once they get exalted. Why would someone need to do it again if you already have 1?

If this was put in people would scream about nothing to do.

And SWToR has this and it’s imho a joke.

Each toon is imho supposed to be different then the main one you play…

If they go this way they might as well take the path of FF14 and 1 toon can be every class and every profession. There would be no need of any more toons then 1


Every character you have would still have to go through the process of getting better gear.

And your level 1 gnome has access to every mount that you’ve collected on all your characters and can use a faction’s cosmetics so long as they have 1 toon exalted with that faction.

The same way a level 1 goblin can use mounts that they’ve obviously never collected themselves and can use cosmetics from factions that another character got exalted with.

Game mechanics.

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I was not in favor of that idea either. I get why it was put in but Rep is totally different then a mount.
And its not game mechanics. It’s players are lazy and want every thing handed to them. Game Mechanics would have kept everything separate for each toon.

Sorry…I dislike the idea


No it isn’t. It’s players not wanting to repeat a chore twice that they shouldn’t have to.



No it isn’t. It’s players not wanting to repeat a chore twice that they shouldn’t have to.

Sorry but it is players that have gotten lazy.

Nobody complains when starting new game of Monoply. D&D or even ff12 if they are not using new game plus.

So its not about doing it twice or 3 times. Its about players being lazy…

Have a nice night


Wrong, players are asking for the ability to not have to repeat a mundane grind again just because they have alts or want to main another character.

The core progression of this game is leveling up and getting better gear and reputation has extremely little to do with that.

And in cases where reputation is required, (i.e., double leggo’s in SL), the reward is made account wide if you get the reputation on one toon.


Disagree with you players seem to think a new toon is the same as their old one because its the player playing it. That is a false hood as it may be you playing it different class, race looks.

if they introduce this they might as well make every class available to 1 toon.

Sorry but I have always hated account wide anything.


Even if they ever did this, how exactly would account-wide reputation be a prelude to this?

If anything, account wide reputation would reduce the likelihood of that.

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Ya, ya, let’s have account wide armor too, once you earn a set, all your alts have the same ilvl gear available, and we could have a check box for those that want to do it the hard way!

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