Everything I mentioned has been already asked for by players over the years. And honestly you can’t say account wide rep and account wide armor is different. It still changes progression.
Some jobs aren’t for everyone but they max it out in case the job changes and they enjoy it and for the achivement and completionists sake. Like me for example having one of each class in WoW at max I even did all of the order halls back in Legion but I hate playing monk.
For me, to your surprise, I also dislike monk in FFXIV (lol) but I’m still going to level it to 90, same with Astrologian. I’m not going to touch them again (unless a job change or to update gear sets since they use the same gear as some other jobs). But thankfully I’m one who is competent with all of FFXIV’s jobs. My main being Dragoon and Summoner and I heavily play Machinist, Gunbreaker and Sage.
I can see the appeal in that, for me its just removing all abilities from that spec off my hot bars and figuring it out piece by piece at a training dummy.
This would be amazing, maybe account wide professions in some shape or form or shared recipes? Just an idea it defiantly would solve the issue of trying to get all recipes for all professions that are tied to exalted with reps. Maybe bring back specializations which a character can only learn one specialization (such as Goblin/Gnomish engineering, or Elixir/Potion/Transmute master, Armor/Weapon master etc) in leu of a crafting profession and some new ones we haven’t seen before to make things more interesting.
And honestly that’s the type of strawman arguments that get tossed as a response.
“Everyone will want gear to be account wide!”
“Everyone will want every class on one character!”
I 100% support functionality for folks to opt-out, but mostly we are looking for quality of life changes here, not every class/spec decked out in max ilvl.
The thing I still don’t understand is, if QoL things are made account-wide (not gear), what harm exactly is inflicted upon those who don’t want it? You’re free to not engage with it.
If you want your character to only be able to use mounts they acquired, it doesn’t have any impact on my gameplay whatsoever. The fact that mounts are account-wide shouldn’t impact anyone else either.
Account-wide rep (with a daily/weekly cap) doesn’t seem to have a gamebreaking impact, thought I think there’s a bit of conflating going on with respect to some character power items. That issue is primarily due to the complexity of systems and their requirements (for example, essences in BFA). Locking essences behind rep led to folks either grinding rep multiple times or just not engaging with it. I don’t think significant player power should be locked behind rep grinds such that a player feels they have to do it on each character (and they seem to be moving away from that).
I would love to see all the crafting skills available instead of having to log across characters and mail things around. I don’t think that’s gamebreaking (and even if it were account-wide crafting, which I don’t know how I feel about, items have level requirements, so it’s not like a level 1 is running around ilvl 275).
There’s a massive amount of items that should be made into currencies and I fully believe most old currencies should be account-wide.
I just don’t understand how any of these somehow hurt someone else’s gameplay if they don’t have to use it.
I will never understand the argument that you can’t have account wide rep due to alts. We already have account wide quests in-game (pet battle quests are account level) that completely nullifies that issue.
So if you jump on your alt, guess what? There is no quest to do that gives you rep. Problem solved. Alternatively, allow the quest to remain but the rep is tied to a once off marker. So all you would get is the gear/gold/whatever that isn’t account wide.
Or do the other way and simply unlock all rep rewards from the vendor regardless of character visiting it based on whatever character has the highest rep.
There’s plenty of ways to solve this. Blizz chooses not to implement them. It’s not that they can’t.
I think choice is great for players. Some folks don’t think mounts should be account-wide. Others want a lot of other things to be account-wide. If the default is “not account-wide” and there’s an option to select “I would like all my characters to share X” that’s great.
Personally, I’d play much more, as rep-gates often dissuade me from playing new toons and trying out alternative specs and classes I wouldn’t otherwise play.
It really does, just like with story being locked behind renown level. If I have an alt I don’t want to regrind everything just to go do the story. (Also timegating is a whole other issue that makes the game suck)