With the alt friendliness of War Within what are the chances we can get account wide pvp titles. I know it’s not a good reason to but I feel drawn to my character with High Warlord, or Gladiator over playing something new just because of the title and feel like I’m throwing away a big accomplishment when I play a new class.
It’s kind of arbitrary the stuff they’ve kept char locked over the years, and I sort of wish they’d just make all the stuff acc-wide.
Arena Master? Usable by alts.
Khan or Battlemaster? Usable by alts, Conq/Justicar isn’t.
Keystone Hero (r1) is usable by alts, Mistwalker isn’t.
Yeah, it’s pretty weird. Hand of A’dal is account wide but I got that on my Warrior lol.
as far as i know when it comes to pvp titles its already account wide. As in if you get any pvp title on a paladin, every paladin alt you make has the same pvp title. Now if you mean account wide from different classes, then that was already answered and its a resounding no. PvP Ranked Titles will remain character / CLASS specific.
Uhhh, nope.
Which do you think are class specific?
thanks for the mocking emoji but i have duelist on my night elf druid on moonguard and on my horde zandalari druid who hasn’t done any rated pvp content. I also have Lord of War which was earned on this toon who posted it and my alliance characters who weren’t even around in WoD has the Lord of War title.
Its funny you commented though, you act like you care about the playerbase and the game, but when ever you can mock and make fun of people you go full throttle.
Duelist is char-specific, or should be. Gladiator temporarily wasn’t, but that was fixed.
As is Lord/Lady of War.
Seems like you’re in the wrong. My Blood Elf Paladin has Lord of War which was created in WOTLK, and my Human Female paladin which was made back in BFA has Lady of War. The female human paladin never did the WoD content to get the title. Not my fault you won’t make 2 warriors on your account to realize you’re making false accusations.
No, I’m very much correct in that Lord/Lady of War and Duelist aren’t account-wide titles.
I’ve got like 10 Warriors.
Then explain how i have Lord of War and Lady of War on two different characters if the title isn’t shared between characters of the same class?
Because you earned it on both characters.
As I said, I didn’t do the content on my human paladin at all, and she was created in BFA. No one is queing for that collesium in their garrisons after WoD. You gotta win the battle royal to get the title. She doesn’t even have the pvp building to que for it, i don’t even know if she has the garrison or did any WoD content to begin with. You’re making stuff up for some narrative or agenda.
I think we’re failing to remember something because neither title is account-wide.
Not at all.
account wide means all classes. I’m talking about specific class bound. Like example: I got 1800 rating for my blood elf paladin back in Mists just so i can get the blood knight set. When I got this I also got the same vanilla alliance paladin set because the requirement was to earn the 1800 rating achievement. But no other class can wear this armor because I did not get the 1800 rating achievement on other classes. Nor have I ever did Rated battlegrounds as a an alliance paladin.
No, not nesscearily.
That’s just the rbg/hwl/gm gear which is class restricted while the weapons are not.
and thats what i’m saying about pvp titles like Lady / Lord of War. Its class restricted and why wouldn’t it be? If you got to 2400 rating as a paladin, why not all paladins on your account? The title is to show skill of a class in rated pvp. Not skill of a character in rated pvp. If some elite glad got 2400 on a Male Night elf subelty rogue and got the exclusie title, then rolled a Female night elf sublety rogue he would have the same title because the title shows that the player got the title with their skill on a rogue during this season. Having different gender and or race does not negate the accomplishment. Hence same classes on your account will have the same pvp titles. As proof with my paladin and druids sharing pvp titles that only they themselves earned and been able to recieve on alts of the same class.
Hi there. Neither Duelist nor Lord/Lady of War is account-wide in any capacity.
This’ll be my last reply because you obviously aren’t interested in facts. Take care.
And to prove you’re fooling people / trolling to mock them. The achievement was Earned by Sachi. To give you the benefit of the doubt i looked through the armory for Sachi to see what her class was. Sachi doesn’t appear in the armory, so you deleted them quite awhile ago. Camile is a warrior like your vulpera Kennie. But I have no way outside of a screen shot provided by you that Sachi is anything but a warrior.
So if Sachi is like any of the armory results that none were warriors with that name you shouldn’t have the title Lady / Lord of war on a warrior because you didn’t get the title on a warrior. Also i’m pretty sure you dont keep the rival / duelist title rewards after the season ends (I COULD BE WRONG) you have to re-earn the title because it matters for the season.
And at the same time I dont know if you earned Duelist / Rival on a warrior or a different character that wasn’t a warrior. But at least for the Lady / Lord of war title debate, thanks for proving yourself wrong by trying to troll people. What people will do for attention these days is crazy.
Nerp, the only account wide pvp titles are the generic ones like Battlemaster, Bloodthirsty and Khan ect. Any ranked titles are character specific