Account Wide Flightpaths

Hello Wow Community. Did you ever get the feeling when your playing on your alt character and you go to the flight master and you try to fly somewhere you thought you had a flightpath point for and then realize you don’t yet have it unlocked on your current character but another character instead, and you think to yourself “Jeez, what is the point of doing this again?”. Well, you’re not alone, as I too have had this feeling! At that moment I realized a simple solution: Account Wide Flightpaths! That’s right, what is the value of unlocking a flight point on multiple characters other than the inconvenience of doing the same thing over and over again for the same intended purpose, why not just have it so that you only have to unlock a flight point on one character so that every other character you have doesn’t have to repeat the same dull process? There has been so much progress already in bringing wow into the future by creating changes just like the one I am suggesting, therefore utilizing this idea brings wow just one step closer to a better wow experience for all players. What are your opinions and thoughts on this idea to have account-wide flightpaths, so that you only have to unlock a flight point one time, on one character?


Roleplay :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind, but other people would because their characters are independent of each other. This sounds like another perfect addition for an idea I had over a week ago

There are already heirloom items that teach your alts all the flight paths for all classic zones and another item in BFA that will do the same.

I’m not sure about WoD or Legion though.


This isn’t true, it’s not “all” the flight paths.

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Was just about to say this. It’s not all, but it is most. And it’s really helpful if your leveling preference is one of efficiency as opposed to role-play or dungeon-spamming.

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That it’s bad enough that we already have account-wide everything else, and we don’t need more :roll_eyes:

And, at one point, I think Blizz DID auto unlock FPs, as you leveled but reverted that back, thank God!

However, I think DKs and DHs have unlocked FPs for old world, only, I believe. Still, the point is to explore the world. Why do you think you don’t even get flying, until you explore the world for certain expansions?

Plus, most of the time, I hardly even use FPs. It’s quicker to fly, manually instead of being on a set route, whereas I can manually take shortcuts.

EDIT: Not to mention, you can hit level cap through dungeon spam without ever having to explore.

Yeah, I just wanted to clear it up that it isn’t all. It is unquestionably a great and useful toy :slight_smile: I have them set as favorites and use them on every new alt.

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Not really into it. I like discovering flightpaths on alts, it’s somehow satisfying like “another unlocked, now I can fly here!” Feels like a form of progression in the world.

Blizz has actually commented on it before though long ago with a similar reasoning. Flightpaths are just part of exploring. They didn’t want to take that away from alts, whom they consider as individual clean slate characters for the most part, not extensions of your main.

There’s a couple account items in EK/Kal and BfA, but they’re just items so we have the option to not use them, and that’s ok. But I kind of don’t want to see them passively account-wide across all lands. It’s basically just deleting the concept from WoW which isn’t good.

Yeah there was a bug for a time where newly made characters knew all flight paths :heart: Think it was Cata till MoP.

You know, I haven’t made a DH or DK since they got squished, not sure if that happens anymore :thinking:

If the FP unlocks account wide then you’ve explored the area around the flight path already :laughing:

I actually use a combination of everything. If I’m in the middle of a Legion or BFA zone I whistle to a FP, use the FP to select where to go next, once I land I fly to where I want to go, but everyone plays differently.


It does. Made a DK and DH recently. All of their FPs (for Old World, at least) are unlocked.

Yes, but the point is still to explore the world. Some characters don’t even use ALL of the FPs. Plus, you don’t even need certain FPs to go to the next FP. Having ALL of them isn’t necessary to fly about. Remember, how we used to need certain FPs in order to fly about? That’s not necessary, anymore. There’s no point in needing ALL of the FPs.

Ofc, and I still don’t agree with Account-wide. It totally demolishes character identity. And, no, I’m not making you “suffer” simply because you have to fly faster than a FP to unlock a FP :roll_eyes:

Depends on what you do, I do everything, my goal is to “100%” wow so I’m working on doing all quests and it would benefit anyone who tries to do this as well to have all flight paths since if you want to get 100% of quest gear you need to do all quests in game at least 4 times (once per armor type).


Good, so you’ll 100% on multiple characters instead of cheating and just unlocking it on 1 character :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I don’t seem to recall saying I was suffering but it seems like you have nothing to say about my idea :thinking:


I did:

Not my fault, you didn’t like my answer.

I’m sorry your answer doesn’t make sense to me, can you reword it?

I don’t understand how you don’t understand the words:

Because I’m not. You’re not “suffering” for not having account-wide FPs. It’s part the exploration gig, and one of the few left.

Maybe I’m wrong, maybe someone else will come along and explain it better to me because me saying

then you saying

like…:rofl: that makes no sense to me

Imagine it in real life.

Kaurmine: Hey what if we put the sauce on the bottom of the burger?
Piper: I’m not making you suffer

Implies that you’re “suffering” because somebody else doesn’t want Account-Wide, anything. And, they’ve never done “optional” things. When they did, the “option” ceases to exist, and we’re then stuck with the said change. In the end, either you’re going to “suffer”, or I am. There’s no compromising here.

Are you RPing right now? If not then you must live a savage life if you think not getting what you want = suffering. I’d like a fully Rogue Fitness furnished home gym instead of what I have :slight_smile: Am I suffering without it? No, I just don’t have it :man_shrugging:

Anyone choosing not to exercise the option is up to them. You’d have to opt into the character alliance.

If you’re suffering it’s by choice, lots of compromise :+1:

Do you want your newly made Bard to know all the flight paths your main knows? No? Then don’t join the character alliance :+1:

Sure, call it what you want.

There’s no “opting” into a game without account-wide FPs, if they become implemented. No, there’s NOT going to be an “option”. They’ve never done that. Again, when they have, they (later) remove the “option” and “force” everybody into said change. Only other “option” is for me to “quit”, right? :roll_eyes:

Nope, it’s not my choice, when I didn’t want a game with account-wide FPs, and Blizz implements them without the option to “opt out” because you know, they don’t really do that. And, when they do, the “option” gets removed (I don’t understand how you don’t understand that), and we’re stuck with said change.

PL was an “option” once, now everything is PL. Just like the old models was an “option” once, now that doesn’t exist, unless you play Classic, but you don’t get the other QoL Features like LFD, LFR, Transmog, etc.

It’s not going to happen. Either, we know ALL of the FPs, right out of the gate, or we don’t. There’s no “in-between”.