Account wide essences

I promise you I have no interest in drama. However when someone takes a shot at me and they are doing the very thing I am being accused of then I will say something.

Also your argument for BoA essences fell about as flat as a pancake dear.

I have nothing against you or Halfpint, quite the opposite in fact. I think you are both an asset to the community as you clearly care about the game.

Nothing but love here. :kissing_closed_eyes:

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I do too :frowning:

I’m hoping that at some point in 8.3, the devs will reverse their thoughts on the topic and push it through for everyone.

My frustration with essences is it goes against the dev’s existing philosophy that they don’t want us to feel that old patch content (8.0 - 8.2) is mandatory. If the essences that come out in 8.3 are not BiS for certain classes, those players will feel it is mandatory to go back and revisit said old content. If they made ALL legacy essences obtainable through easier, less grindy means within 8.3 content - that might be better.

I can keep hoping!

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The current design system is a complete regression. I can’t remember the last time the game was this alt-unfriendly. Perhaps maybe BC?

paid race changes are their intention.


Most of us agree that the essence system was handled poorly for alts. Account bound doesn’t have to be the only option, but more catchup mechanics and variety on ways to get them would be a good start.

Just ignore the people who post walls of text telling us that we’re wrong and that the game is perfect. It’s not worth arguing with them unless you’re trying to kill time.

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Who might that be ? The person who has been typing the most in their replies is on your side.

This should have been account wide to begin with.

Returning players are screwed until next xpac.

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I don’t see how. It is going to be easier to get some and they are on equal footing with the others - all they need to do is play the game.

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Players aren’t interested in hearing that. These are the same players that complained about there being nothing to do in WoD.

So blizzard created lots of activities and now the game is unplayable for alts.

I especially enjoy the complaints that players are “forced” to do meaningless grinds. I will never understand how raids, dungeons, bgs, rated pvp, world pvp and world events aren’t content.

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So play them.

The most helpful thing people can tell you is : play your alts.

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Man, if they were complaining about Essences, wait till they discover the Cloak and Visions in 8.3.

already started

Redoing the content is boring but unless you really want to progress than you are given essences that are more than fine for alts. I don’t agree with the system as I find it overly redundant for something that feels necessary and not optional. But I don’t agree alts should be ready 'n going at the level of your main.

Devs seem to be out of ideas and need a fresh take on all of this - they are relying too heavily on the Legion structure.

Legion was OK but what was nice was the thing they compare essences too (artifact tints) was OPTIONAL. So whether you wanted to get it or not, or get it months down the line at your own pace, it was fine
 most of these feel like you are gimping your character if you want to experience even a fraction of the end-game and don’t have 'em.

Alts get a comback in Shadowlands, but I think Bliz gave up on BfA - too broken to fix I guess.

i tried :frowning:

So you came back and got one character essences and got bored of that already in a week ?

The problem with people’s arguments is that the key argument is 8.2 content being mandatory, and it’s just not. There are 5 total essences that you can get from 8.2 activities (not including role versions as if you can get one you can get the other 2), 1 isn’t used even now, and another is being nerfed to the ground to encourage players to use something else. This leaves lucid dreams from followers, the naz rep essences and the mech rep essences, all of which are having their requirements cut in half, all of which are also optional for 99% of the population.

The other essences are all either going to still be current content such as the ie essence, the bg essence, the arena essence, the new raid essence, the op: mech essence, the m+ or the rep essences. All still current, all still good.

Tldr giant block of text saying the games still perfect; just because it’s not what you want to hear doesn’t mean it’s not correct. This is why blizzard doesn’t listen to you.

 Lucid, ERT, (and well to a lesser extent), are all pretty much mandatory for healers progressing. Healers don’t have any alternative essences that are useful in any way.

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I would bet that it’s been done without rank 3s of those essences. The m+ essence and the raid essence are both good. And look at you, 8/8 heroic and you don’t even have your 2nd minor unlocked. You’re not making a good case here.