"Account wide essences" was a lie

Of course it was a compromise. Many people are now able to get rank 3 on alts exactly as they wanted to. You not getting the most ideal version of what you wanted doesn’t mean they didn’t compromise.

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It still screws over people who chose to play a DPS-only class as opposed to a class that can do multiple roles.

On my monk I got every essence despite not playing any heals and mostly playing WW outside of world quest content. I went through the acquisition process once and got three roles’ worth of essences.

Now I’m set to get whatever essence I want on any class and role I choose, while someone who spent the exact same amount of time as I did - but on a DPS-only class - would have to go through the standard acquisition process again.

Seems Blizzard knows this is a problem too, considering they made Mechagon/Nazjatar essences unlock across roles no matter which one you earned. They shouldn’t have stopped there, though.

Except you didn’t, you had to purchase each one. It’s not like you purchased the ET DPS essence and the tank/healing one magically appeared for you. You had to purchase those as well.

Does it screw over DPS classes, in a way sure but anyone who expected them to unlock essences they never earned was setting themselves up for failure. At this point I don’t see the harm is making the older 8.2 essences open regardless of the role you unlocked. It is the end of the expansion anyways and essences are a dead end gearing method at this point.

Come on, man. You know what I mean. I think we can both admit it’s significantly easier to get the off-spec essences once the initial unlock has been done. I didn’t have to do the full acquisition process two or three times.

Honestly, I think Blizzard knows this is a problem. This system was just released in a slapdash fashion and will probably be modified soon enough.

I have essences that can be used by more than one spec.
No one told we were getting “free essences”.

Maybe being smart when getting essences if you want to run alts is a good thing to start ?

Well they never really said anyone was getting account wide essences. in fact they specifically said we were not getting that. They did however make it a lot easier for us to get the majority of rank 3 essences on alts. take the bone they threw you and be happy they didn’t stick to there original statement.

It is actually exactly the same, there is no discount for unlocking a secondary role after you have completed another. I agree that it puts hybrid builds at an advantage now that we have this unlock system for alts, which is why I wouldn’t object if they changed it so all roles are unlocked for the 8.2 essences.

But people need to understand that just because you unlocked one essence doesn’t mean you got all roles for free. You still had to purchase them as well.

Nah. It’s 3x faster to get the dungeon essences, it’s significantly faster to get the pvp ones, it’s faster to get the 8.3 mini-visions ones.

I get that you don’t like people complaining, but I think in this case you’re letting it cause you to miss that there’s a valid point behind some of it.

heh…they ‘listened’ when the expansion is pretty much over, lol.
Its like getting flight when you really dont need it anymore.

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Is he “not liking when people complain” or is he making it clear that Blizzard did not lie and this is a compromise even if you don’t like it?

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That seems not to be a compelling argument around here,


This is what I’m talking about. You have no idea what I do or don’t like - and I even said I have every essence thanks to doing it on my monk.

I don’t think anyone here is denying that it is “a compromise.” They’re bringing up a valid point that some people benefit more from the compromise than others.

Except that is exactly what people here are saying. I mean did you read the OP?

Which he already agreed to that…

Breath of the Dying rank 3 requires Uldum Accord revered…and that’s the only rank 3 that particular vendor offers. Why did you think that you should also get the Rajani essences that a healer/tank would have had to grind out separately anyway?

I dont think it is a compromise. I think it is throwing a bone.
They know essences will be scrapped as we know it, and then they did like “here, chew this for a moment, we will get back to you later”.

I really think essences will have the same fate artifact powers had.

I mean, all this years, from upgraded weapons and armor, to legendaries it took months to get, how many things they took from one xpac to another ?

Not even talents, because each xpac we just lost talents and talent scope.

What would be the thing that says this essences and anything about the Heart or the Azerite gear will be relevant in the next xpac ?


You can include shadow priests in that list.

I can’t get blood of the enemy on my shadow priest even though I have the right rank on my rogue.

Someone with a pure DPS class could have spent just as much time as I did on my Windwalker monk running Rajani quests/invasions to revered and still wouldn’t have been able to purchase rank 3 of either essence. I did it all as DPS, they did it all as DPS, I got more out of it in the new system because the class I used had more roles.

That’s the crux of the complaint, and it’s valid.


I’ve already purchased Breath of the Dying rank 3 on my alt DK, so I think it’s a successful system so far.

That’s not what happened.

In order for me to get the other two kinds of essences, I had to farm more things. I didn’t just get them for free.

While I agree with your core position, your argument is factually incorrect.

I think the correct way to handle this would be:
-All essences are account wide.
-Any essences you do not own are available for sale for echoes.

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This reminded me of the “Carrefour Conspiracy”.

They have that symbol and it looks medieval, and cultural, like something magical. Then you realize it is just a C in a french flag.