Account keeps asking for Account Verification


For some reason today, every time I log into my account, it keeps asking for verification from me. I then have to log into my email, get the code you sent me, and enter it to get access. Then 20 minutes later, I get booted off my account and have to start all over again.

The security check email states:
"We wanted to let you know about a recent login attempt with your Blizzard Account ###@####.COM:

You’ll receive this email again if your login process changes slightly, like when you use a new computer to log in to Blizzard services.

If you didn’t attempt to log in, please change the password for your Blizzard Account. We suggest changing the password for your Blizzard Account’s email account as well."

I do have a laptop and a desktop I play on. Both in the same house, both on the same internet access. I’m confused as to why this is happening? Is it because I am using my laptop right now and you guys have a “fingerprint” of my desktop?

Is someone trying to hack my account while I am using it? I just changed the password to be sure, but it happened again do not have any more information then that.

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It sure sounds like it and I’m worried that they might have access to your email too!

I’d strongly recommend changing the password to your e-mail account immediately and then add an authenticator to your account for an added measure of security.

Did you happen to receive a message ingame recently asking your to “verify” your account or something similar?


Hi Perl,

My email and game account appear to be safe as nothing has changed in either (also my guild members have verified I haven’t been online since last night). It sounds to me, like someone has my login email attached to the account but no password. That could be from anything I suppose, but it may be a stretch too.

Of course my email has a completely different password as well.

The thing is, it wouldn’t surprise me if this was on Blizzard’s end because I use two different machines. From about 2015-17 they used to send stuff like this if you accessed your account from a different location then you typically play. For example, I would access my account at work to chat on the forums here, but only play at home, and used to get constant “verification” emails every time I would access it at work. It seems in 2018 they stopped doing that. I suspect something like that is happening again.

I should note, I only use the Battlenet launcher to get in the game when there is an update because I find it annoying to access a program to access a program. Could that have something to do with it? Maybe.

When I received the first notice this morning I launched the battlenet launcher, and sure enough there was an update, so maybe it has something to do with that too.

While it may be inconvenient, you should always be using the launcher so that your client is always up to date. You can even alter the settings in it to close the launcher when you run the game so that it’s not running in the background if you want.

That said, if both your machines are at the same location, I doubt that you’d be getting this message and triggering an e-mail.

If it is, then adding the authenticator is even more useful as you’ll rarely get security messages like this since the system takes into account that you’ve got one attached.

Personally, I haven’t received one of those messages in many years now thanks to having an authenticator attached.

As for what might have triggered this, I’m the sort of person that feels ‘better safe than sorry’ which is why I recommended the change of password on your e-mail too.

Hopefully it’s just a false flag.


Sorry, I meant to answer this before, no I haven’t received any messages asking to do this. These sorts of things become pretty obvious after 15 years when some impostor is trying to get your information.

All good information. I’ll change up some things and see where this goes.

Thanks Perl.

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Perl mentioned it, but I don’t see you saying you had one. Do you have Blizzard’s Mobile Authenticator attached to your account? If not, here is the link to add one. This should help decrease those dc/emails, and further add protection to your account.

Adding a Blizzard Authenticator