Account hacked, email changed

I had to create this other account to be able to post, but looking for support or timelines to see how to get my account restored.
Got some emails tonight stating that someone had logged in, then requested a email address change and then proceeded to do whatever - don’t know as I can’t access the account.

What is the usual turnaround for responses? I filled in the ‘share your picture of ID’ and uploaded that in the system but that was an hour ago or so and no responses.
Does Blizzard still have a chat or phone system? Was frustrating that all attempts of using support require you to enter in your email address - which was impossible as the hackers changed mine to some other one.

Also wish that if anyone is wanting to change either email or password that there would be a 24 hour turnaround time on that so that if people notice this happening they can cancel unwanted hack attempts.

Besides this, I know I should have an authenticator on the account and will get that setup once this is resolved - but I thought I had one on it but apparently not.

Looking for any support ideas or how to see even ticket/request status on these types of issues or another way to contact support.

Edit: Also have no idea why it’s showing as coming from one of hacked account characters when I logged into a new temp account. The hacked account isn’t recognized for any login at all. THis is a bit weird.

Follow this link Hacked I highly recommend you secure your computer first before you submit your ticket. Then get yourself an authenticator. There is a free mobile app on both google playstore and Apple’s equivalent

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Yup - I have authenticators already setup but can’t secure the account at all due to the email being changed first - so it effectively doesn’t exist anymore for me to check/secure.

The first step is securing your pc. Securing your Account and PC

Start with securing your pc first and also your email. The only way account changes can be made to an account is by having access to your email. Which means that email is more than likely compromised.

Secure your pc and email. Then submit a ticket to get control of your account. Once you have control of your account, then really think about adding SMS protect to pair with your authenticator.

Basicly u gota wait on your ticket as for live support there hours are done for the nite better off tommorow any damage done will be reversed there will usualy be a ban but that can be apealed once they know you were hacked.

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Yup - I’ve secured the email (changed password, added 2 step authentication) to them, changed a lot of other setups on the PC just in case - but the main one that I can’t solve at the moment is the Blizz changes that I’m seeing how to fix.
As mentioned, I’ve sent out the image of ID as requested from one of their links, but no idea how long or if it’s even looked at as no confirmation mail was sent back either.

You should hear back usualy within 24hrs these things tend to be prioritized.

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Ah thanks Darth - yah, will wait until tomorrow, but it’s a pain in the butt at the moment.

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Understandable there Zulamone. Darth is right, these are prioritized so it shouldn’t be to long. Though it’ll probably be morning at the very least

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I did text my guild leader to boot all my toons out of the guild as well as soon as I saw the hack occur. So hopefully that minimizes some of the damage.

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I can tell you usualy what happens it happened to me many many moons ago gear was striped and sold de to be ah they will spam all chat channels with gold selling sites till they get silenced and suspended hopefully the damage is minimal but easily recoverable.

Yeah, our guild…we made a new rank below our new recruits that had like zero permissions. So, we’d ask guildmates to report immediately and we’d move them down to that rank just to avoid having to boot affected peeps.

Best of luck and I really hope you’re sorted soon. That’s one thing Blizz is really good at. Replacing the damage caused due to a hack. I have complete faith they’ll have you set in no time

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Thanks all - yah, it’s whatever they do to Wow toons, but also anything for Overwatch, Hearthstone, etc… - or making purchases on my account through my card. HOpefully minimal. Will see.

Most credit card companyies have a 1800 # call them and get them to place a hold on your card.

Already done that - on hold for a while.


Looks like this is in the works, Zulamone. Once this is resolved, you’ll want to add an authenticator.


Yup - got the account restored and have added an authenticator. Lesson learned, thanks for the help!
Now to figure out how to get all the RealID friends back on my list after the hacker removed/deleted them.

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Unfortunately, that isn’t unusual.

I suspect it’s so people that know you don’t notice them.

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