Account got banned, appeal got it back, idk why I was banned

They cited “Offensive character name” “Abusive language” and “abuse of in game market for real world currency”. I don’t verbally abuse anyone and dont interact with people other than my irl friend group, my characters are named after mythological gods idk how thats offensive, and I sell glyphs on the auction house but thats all with the market side of things. No evidence was given for any of the cited violations, and no explanation given when my account was restored. I’m confused why my account was banned at all

It could be a false positive or a mistaken player ban. Seeing as your account was restored, it could’ve been therefore either.

I hope they atleast gave you some compensation for the inconvience, if not you should definitely ask.


Other than this post here idk how to talk to someone about it. There’s no ticket subject for this specific issue. Im hoping a blizz employee sees this and comments

Was it this toon or another if this toon i could see a possible false ban because it sounds like a body part.


It was my whole account. They didn’t say what specific character, or what was said, or anything. I assumed my account was hacked because I don’t do these things. But when I got my account back none of my things were missing. So I’m confused why I was banned at all

If its a ban we both know it means its not the first penalty usualy a history.

Not true. I re-subscribed in october and was inactive for years before that. This is the first time I’ve ever had any issues like this. I want to know if someone got onto my account and was spamming, or if this whole thing was a mistake, or what.


Ok lets say ur hacked do u have any missing gold are your toons completly naked or on different servers then they should be.

Just to touch on this. Blizzard has never given anyone evidence for anything. They don’t even feasibly need to give a reasoning as to why an account was actioned, but that evidence is exactly what cheaters and botters would love to get their hands on for nefarious purposes. Unfortunately, that also means that people who really are just trying to understand why something happened are left in the dust.

It’s nothing personal, but it’s just how they operate. If it was only a character naming issue, the forced name change that would be part of the sanction should be evident enough. Here recently there must have been some sort of ban wave for cheating/botting/hacking, and I only bring that up due to the fact that we’ve seen some other people who have had their bans overturned or lessened, and one of your reasons of sanction was the abuse of in-game market/RMT also is cheating of a sort.

There isn’t a way really, and normally these things are not discussed. Not in the process of being banned, not during the appeals.

What you can try though - and normally I wouldn’t suggest this, but since you’re citing name, language and cheating accusations (which normally, it’s a single thing) - is try to submit a ticket in the non-appealing capacity.

Mind you - ticket times right now are still kind of high, so don’t expect a rapid turnaround here. You will likely receive a templated answer at first. Just hit the button for “I still need help.” Now, there has been a bug that is bloody annoying, that will not allow the original ticket to be reopened. Just create another new ticket, reference the closed ticket number and explain that you still need a GM’s assistance.

Explain that you’re not appealing anything, you’re not wanting explicit information but you would like clarification as to which of the reasons was how/why you were initially actioned and why it was lifted without any communication why.

You may not get all of that information, but you can try that at least. You can submit your ticket here:

Good luck to you.


Thanks for the answer


It’s like some secret society. If they informed players clearly what it was for then it would probably mean that players won’t do it again.

If it was a mistake then it should be acknowledged by Blizzard as such and credit gave right away, and the player not having to chase. Very poor customer service.


They don’t have to give credit at all though.

The fact that they can particularly when ticket times are longer is good.

So just because someone needs to ask / put in another ticket is bad customer service? How? Do they need that extra game time right now? They’ve already gotten access to the game again.

No, it would mean players will rule lawyer the get around account action.


Your guild isn’t rendering on the search.

Did it get wiped via some escrow community ban?

Most of the time players know exactly what it was for, they’re just playing dumb. Sometimes they don’t know, but also don’t believe what they did wrong is wrong, even though many would view it as vile. And then sometimes it genuinely is an error, like this OP.

So the answer Phaunus is you did nothing wrong at all so don’t worry about what you were reported for. Since your appeal was a success, it means that on second look you did absolutely nothing wrong at all and the suspension was in error.


It could just be issues with the armory.

Oh ok so I pay my money since 2004 and you don’t think I should get a credit if they make a mistake? Right.

Try telling that to every customer service advisor that works in a call center if customers don’t think she should get credits…

Generally, if you are inconvenienced for a day or more, and the appeal is successful for you, they give you some extra game time to compensate.


Where does anyone here say that? Nephe surely didn’t. It is just a fact that nothing is forcing them to do it. I know specifically when the big BG non-participation ban wave went through, they were giving folks a week (I think it was) right off the bat for those whose sanctions were overturned. So it does happen that they will, but on the off-chance it isn’t immediately offered? People can absolutely ask to be compensated for the time lost that was no fault of their own.


I said it. I stand by it. Any company that makes a mistake and you lose time on anything should compensate. In the state, the world is in right now everyone needs every penny they earn to get their money’s worth.

That’s the problem customer service has gone out the window and people just accept poor service. If you don’t value your customer’s time you don’t deserve them.

It’s a different opinion from you and we both have the right to express how we feel whether we agree or not. Have a beautiful evening!

I don’t disagree with you on any part of that, but it seemed like you were looking for an argument where there was none meant.

Blizzard isn’t perfect, the SFAs admit to it quite regularly 'round here that mistakes can happen. It’s how people end up sanctioned when they’re not supposed to be. That’s the human error in a process that so many like to scream is automated. If an error can happen in that part of the process, it can absolutely happen that a misstep happens and an inconvenienced customer isn’t offered or isn’t told they’re being given game time in compensation.

That’s why we usually tell folks to inquire about compensation if they are found to not have deserved a suspension or anything of the sort, just to cover all the bases.