Account does not exist?

Okay Im posting this because a friend of mine was logged into the site, clicked to purchase BFA and then it asked him to login, again and went he went to go do it. Tells him that account does not exist. He put a ticket in and the game master didint answer him very well and seemed confused. Im trying to help him maybe get an answer here. He re registered the account with the same email with nothing on it. But the Game master said that there was a WoW account already tied to that email n he had to update his email for the one he just made. He cannot access his account. Blizzard can obviously see it but its not working on in any way shape matter or form…What does he do?

Sounds like he got compromised and they changed the email. Making a fresh account with that email is going to make it more challenging. He needs to put in a compromise ticket.


That shouldn’t be possible if the email was already in use.

Is he able to log into the game with that email address?

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Yes he can and the account is empty. He said he seen other posts of people having the same problem…

Because it’s likely the first one with that email got compromised. The second wouldn’t have anything in it - it isn’t the same account.


The account was not compromised, there would have been emails pertaining to such activities and the Game master also told him he had to change the email to the account he just made because there was an account tied to that email already. So if it was stolen that remark wouldnt have been made in his ticket. Or am I wrong?

Is he certain he wasn’t told to rename the NEW account to a different email so the original could be reclaimed?


He did do that he updated the email just incase for that reasoning and notified the game master that he did in the ticket. So I dont know if this is a bug or what, where Blizz can see acc and everything looks fine, but user cant? I havent personally searched for such posts but he said he found a few. Im just returning to WoW myself now its got me scared of a glitch if I go to update to BFA Or pre purchase Shadowlands!

Ok, so after reading this, I believe your friend got hacked. The hackers then changed the email address.

He created a new license with his existing email address, which was now not attached to anything. That is why the GM said an account with that email already exists. The account the GM saw on that email was the new empty account.

At least that is the impression I got.


The GM responded as if the account, in question, was still attached to that email address. Hence why he told him that he had to update the email address on the new account created on the SAME email account, in question. That is saying it doesnt exist, on ANYTHING that has to do with blizzard.

It sounds like the GM is asking for a new email to update the old account to, because you can’t “re-register” an account to an email if you don’t have access to it. Your friend made a new account and needs to either update that account to a new email or give a new email to the GMs to recover the main one.


If it helps to know, we are confused because simply, we don’t know who you are talking about when you say your friend. The only answer you can get is because this belongs to someone else, so your friend likely will have to get more help via the ticket system. These forums do not bypass this because there is no privacy over the forums. Have your friend open another ticket.


Ticket is still open, I was just hoping maybe a Blue might see it an actually search for the ticket and assist but to no such avail. hes still stuck in limbo.

A ticket number might help, but the forums are not always staffed, so it’s not promised to get a response here.


A blue is not likely to find a specific ticket for some unknown user by a search.