Account closure for no reason

Your support article is 4 years old. You did show where it says you are not allowed to share it unless the terms of this agreement allow it. It doesn’t however state any longer that the minor child has to create their own account at the age of 18 so in theory they can still access same account per this EULA because they agreed to it when they reviewed it with the parent/guardian.

A child, in the legal sense, is up to the point they turn 18 of age. By that point, they’re no longer a child and would need to get their own account. Trying to find some random loophole isn’t useful, much less the hijack of this thread.


You’re right. Was not my intention to do that. Was just asking for clarification and it wasn’t and can not be provided to say exact words they want it to. Have the day you all deserve now!

It will be updated if it changes. It is currently accurate.

The EULA defines children as below the legal age of majority in their country. To create a Battlenet account a person must be 13 years of age or older to create one, and it should be in their name. A parent may accept the EULA on behalf of the minor as children can’t legally agree to contracts - which is what the EULA is.

No, you can’t share accounts. Never, ever. Further, Blizzard owns the Battlenet account, not you. It is not your property and they don’t allow sharing, or transfer of it between individuals. Read the EULA.

P.S. Being snarky won’t change the rules or make you right.