Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

It’s not. Just because someone explains something and the other person still doesn’t agree doesn’t mean they are trolling.

It would be wise of you to drop the personal insults before you lose your posting privileges, next thing you know you’d be in the minority since you couldn’t voice an opinion anyway.

Everyone has an opinion. When it’s all said and done we all enjoy this game or we wouldn’t be here. Many of us still thoroughly enjoy this game, obviously.

There are 3 main things that are horrible for bringing alts thru BFA up to 8.3 and beyond…

  1. Artifact Power grind
  2. Having to run thru Nazjatar to unlock a chunk of AP
  3. Essences (while fun are a complete drag to get and upgrade)

Oh, let me add one more thing. Having to do the Uldum and Vale storylines just to collect currency to clear the corruption from gear. Must be at least 3 hours werth of “content” just to be able to cleanse the corruption of the gear. Please for the love of god just make it something like 5000g to cleanse a piece of gear. Sheesh.

Yeah it is when you discard perfectly reasonable arguments in favor of your backwards ideas of what the game should be and disregarding the fact that those things are actually driving people away from the game.

Not an insult, just another fact and a perfect example of your inability to understand basic reason.

And even if you do somehow manage to report me, they’ve already made it clear that these forums are the last place they go to for real feedback so no big loss there. Thankfully reddit/discord has less trolls and more people who can use their brains.

Apparently you can only enjoy it at the cost of other people’s enjoyment, otherwise you wouldn’t be toting your anti- alt/essence garbage.

I have very mixed views on how essences have played out. On one hand, I do like how it plays towards character progression. Getting a Rank 4 is definitely a sign of dedication towards a task on a character, and that sort of thing ought to be rewarded, yet there’s another part of me that feels that if a task requires you to invest a certain amount of weeks before you get the reward, subsequent times through it ought to be accelerated.

Character progression is important, but one thing that confuses me is how the essence system, much like other systems in the game, encourages players to pick different combinations to find what suits their playstyle, yet how you earn the essences feels less conducive to encouraging players to work on unlocking essences through play to find out what they like. I would have loved to experiment with some rank 3s on different characters, but considering the amount of time it takes to get the ones I want to try out? I don’t think it’d be worth it were I to learn, after finally being able to try it out and experiment, that it’s not for me.

Don’t bash your head against the reinforced steel wall that is Yesuna Tylumos you wont win.


Haha oh I know, I’ve seen the discussions in other threads where many many many other people try to reason with him. That’s why I’m not even bothering to explain things again. I already know what I’m dealing with here, just throwing a couple of stones at the local troll before heading off to bed.


They aren’t blind… Ion just doesn’t want to do it. He’s as stubborn as a mule and thinks the way to respond to customer criticism is to show people how wrong they are.

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and you see people disagree in those places too. very little reason to listen to a thread started on the premise of “all positives, no negatives NOT GONNA LISTEN TO YA TROLLIN STRAWMAN” of people who don’t properly consider cons

Most of the disagreement I see in those places is stuff like “jeeze stop memeing we get it sheesh” type posts, which you see with literally everything that gets popular because that’s how people are.

Then you’ll have folks who genuinely do essences as their form of content, which is legitimate even if I wonder what they did for the first 15 years of wow before this system was layered in.

Then finally there are people who repeat mantras like “power progression,” “alts aren’t mains,” and “why not make gear account bound.” Funny thing is, even a lot of those people seem to have faded into the background like Homer when Blizzard kept adding even more system layers.

So you’ve got contrarians, people who enjoy it, and people who haven’t reached their own final straw (yet).

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Instead of bashing my post for Blizzard to “ignore me”, contribute something useful to the conversation. What would you suggest? 750 MP’s for Rank 3 CLF instead of 1000 MP’s?

Here’s a breakdown on how you can obtain the most out of MP’s:

Ankoan Emissary MP Rewards: 35 MP
Medive’s Laboratory: 10 MP’s
Lost Algan: 1-5 MP’s
Wayward Algan: 1-5 MP’s
Rares: 2-5 MP’s
World Quests: 4-6 MP’s
Daily Quests for Ankoan Bodyguard: 3 MP’s
Daily NPC Ankoan Quests: 4-8 MP’s

Furthermore, I have reached 1000 MP’s on my BM Hunter months ago when It was my 8.2.5 main way before 8.3 began. It is possible.

Would you rather grind N/H/M ET that’s maybe 1-2% groups for months to reach 36 AR’s mats, or take weeks to obtain 750-1000 MP’s for CLF Rank 3 with how much you currently have.

I hope you understand how much easier it is to farm MP’s on a daily bases vice AR mats in ET weekly since only a few bosses reward the mats. But good luck getting into N/H/M ET when barely anyone is running them for the mats.

Acquisition really should be pulled out of Eternal Palace. Getting gnome/Naz rep is one thing but doing old raids is a whole other story.

But a good chunk of the player base, way more then 50% wants this. It not like the little people screaming. It’s every place WoW is talk about.

At first I did not care but I’m thinking of playing a Alt but then I think about everything I need to do to catch up.

Now I will say to much catch up is bad. But essences in many case are more important then a piece of gear, even corruption gear.

way more than 50%? Cite a credible source on this statistic. Like I said numerous times, just because players want something, even a good chunk of players, doesn’t mean it’s healthy for the game to give it to them.

I was againts BOA essences, but now that i want to play the Game in different Styles (múltiple characters) I really think its a pain.

Playing the Game with different characters makes you enjoy it more cause you are not stuck with one playstyle, you could raid, PvP, mythic + anytime. This simple element of the Game I think is something good and would make the Game healthier.

If a player is atuck with one character it will get bored more. Farming essences with different characters is actual very time consuming that much playera dont have, at the end, player will feel frustrated, and will get bored soon. Meaning less suscriptions.


But it is healthy for the game. No one wants to regrind for alts. Alts are there for a different playstyle. not to replay boring content.
If I/we have to grind for good or even meta essences, no one “smart” wants to do it. Especially this late into the expansion.

Having stuff handed to you all the time just because you want it doesn’t mean it’s healthy for the game. This isn’t a game like Fortnite where you just jump into the action, you have to actually work for stuff here and progress your character in both character progression and power progression.

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Having people do no thinking busy work for months on end is also not good for the game or for the people that play it. People should play what they like and not feel compelled to play what they do not. Especially if this content is not even made for them but rather for the lfr hero that never has to actually have bis anything or set foot in hard content.

Sadly farming for weeks without stopping to do sleep inducing world quests does remove me from the parts of the game that I stay subbed for. So it not only hurts me but also hurst the others that play what I like to play. It divides our people because everyone is now chasing a different stick that is required.


Ew Fortnite… :nauseated_face:

In my first post here I said, to much catch up is bad. However Essences take a lot to even get to even get to rank three, more so then even getting corruption stuff. Some are behind timegate, some behind group content, ect.
And you do work for it… once. I also said rank 3 or even 4 “idk if every essences gets a rank 4” should be account bound. This way you still work for it but can still play alts later.

Retail also not like classic where earning gear is more important. In a single patch in Retail, last patch gear is useless… If there was no catch up, no one coming back would be up to date.

I can say with confidence that they will make it super easy like 1-2 months before Shadow Lands. Then everyone will play an alt. The game will feel great because people are playing the content that matters more often woth all their alts/mains and people will be hyped for Shadowlands. However the months leading to this get dulled out by the current grind status quo.

As the patch ages there should be periodic updates to these things similar to AK

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Problem with this is, a vast majority of Essences require more an investment of time than any kind of real effort. They’re busywork much like working cashier is busywork - completely devoid of effort, and essentially on autopilot.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to repeat content that makes me think of work. Grinding is one thing, but the stuff you have to do for most of these essences is just a meaningless timesink. It’s a little sad, knowing you’ll never have a character to the level you want to because you don’t want to not have fun in a videogame.

I’m trying to switch mains as we speak, and while it’s not hard, the fact that I essentially have three weeks of nothing ahead of me is incredibly distressing. Three weeks for something that’ll likely be gone in a year…