Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

at this point i’m more excited to see how the boomer mentality will tackle the Covenant issue, seeing the funny stuff they came up with for essences, looking forward to see how they defend the huge red flags of the system!

Don’t forget no flying.

it’s called schadenfreude and you’re absolutely right. the only people arguing against account-wide essences are the ones who want everyone else to endure some suffering.


That’s not even remotely true. I’m very against account wide progression of any kind, yet I’ve suggested reducing requirements even higher or even unlocking essences period since we’re at the end of the expansions progression. Stop putting words in people’s mouths just to fit your agenda. Not everyone in life is going to agree with you. It’s part of being an adult.

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Posting in this thread again once again showing my support. I might actually login a lot more if I could play my druid without doing heaps of crappy unecessary content.

Just make everything account bound,solves every problem imediately.

I have to admit essences are why I’m not hardly playing my alts. I didn’t find the grind for them fun to do the first time, I’m sure not doing it 12+ times.


It’s one of THE most requested account bound requests/issues in the HISTORY of WoW. Check the fact sheets. If you cannot see that having Essences account bound/wide isn’t a problem for alts in 8.3 (which has also been deemed the WORST alt leveling experience in WoW, please, name another expansion compared to BFA) then you haven’t been playing WoW that long. But, please, continue to contribute nothing to the issue at hand. Typical.

Yeah, when the game gets boring on one character or I’ve done whatever I wanted to do on one character, I used to swap over to alts to spice things up.

Now I just log off. Haven’t bought a character service in a good long while and don’t intend to do so until the alt situation changes.


Pretty much. I used to be like “I’m bored of my Warlock, I’ll play my Shadow Priest or Resto Druid or Prot Paladin”, and now I’m like “I’m bored of my Warlock, but I don’t want to do Essences on my alts, so now I guess I’ll go do something else”.

Variety is the spice of life, but Blizzard are making it so we basically have to establish the East India Company if we want any of that spice.


There are many other things competing for limited free time. That in and of itself isn’t a bad place to be, but it does mean I’m not willing to spend it on things that aren’t fun. Blizzard can be stubborn all they want but it’s not really a two-sided discussion. I’m just not gonna do the not-fun stuff.

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By god you are a sad melodramatic person.
stop assuming sarcam, I said just make everything account bound it solves everything and you had to get snarky and rant at me, get a life outside of wow before you lose your mind.

I agree. It feels bad when I want to play more WoW.

I just want to do content besides farm rep for Essences on different characters without feeling like I’m gimping them.

There’s a big difference between logging off because I want to play another game, or do something else with my time, and logging off because I feel like I’ve exhausted all the content that interests me.

I’d really like to gear up my Prot Warrior, or learn Holy Paladin for some variety in keys. But I really don’t wanna do the Mechagon or Nazjatar, or even worse, the Rajani grind multiple times simply so I can feel like I’ve unlocked the necessary tools for those characters.

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C/S3 Is definitely the worst of the essences to regrind, and it’s so good on so many classes :frowning:

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You don’t need bis on an alt. If you’re trying to gear a second, third, or fourth character that is equal to your main then that’s not really an alt anymore. In that case you should have to put in equal amounts of dedication to both character progression and power progression.

I’m amazed you’ve been here for over a thousand posts and you’re still just as clueless as you were at your first post.

We get it, you don’t want it - Leave the people here who do want it to discuss it in peace. You’ve still yet to show you play the game on a main character Yesuna.


Echo chamber:An environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.

Just because you have account-wide essences doesn’t mean you’ll have all of the best essences for your alts. There’s also your neck, your cloak, and corrupted gear to farm to get your alts anywhere near your main.

Because the alternative views are silly.

“What’s next, account bound gear?”

This doesn’t contribute anything meaningful to the discussion.