Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

ive done it on like 6 characters and i have 15 120s. uhhhh. idk why

You could do heroic naked and get it done. It’s about playing a character to its fullest potential. Most of the people talking here are deep into Mythic raiding.

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What happened to never replying to me again?

Still haven’t answered my questions though.

You addressed the topic instead of spouting your tears.

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I like how triggered you got when i called you out on your lies.

If you have to lie, you have no argument.

Also you did say you will never reply to me again. You do know what the word never means right?

On their mains. Not their alts.

Alts you bring up to where you can, and that’ll be their full potential.

If alts could be instantly caught up to mains, then alts would basically just be a “Class swap” service, and raiding would be about running Class swaps for perfect comps on every boss.

You wouldn’t be playing a character, you’d be picking a hero based on the encounter. And that’s just not going to work for an MMORPG where your character is supposed to mean something.


Yeah that’s not really the point when I’m saying certain essences can augment how a spec feels. If those are daily essences then uhhh I kind of need to do those.
Incoming “well if you want the reward you have to do the content” type response.

I’ll be honest I have no desire to do EP right now because I’d rather not deal with coming late to a tier and how short everyone is regarding people new to the raids. That’s on me more than anything and I’m not asking the raid essences to be freely given out to me, a non-raider, this tier.

When this stuff takes weeks to do and I’m still debating on what class to main it makes you a little tired of doing the same dailies, the same honor grinds, the same quests, and all of that. Truth be told I have never been one to understand this whole “main vs alt” debate and why a specific character should be ahead of others for an arbitrary sake. So I’ll concede that nothing that reinforces that is ever going to make me a happy camper and that’s my opinion.

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  1. I was looking at Wowprogress for your m+ which only tracks m+ scores in the top 400k or something, you only have 5 keys that fit that number because the rest garbage scores apparently.
  2. I couldn’t find your alt that had the rank 3s at the time, It’s difficult to track alts, and you didn’t correct me initially.

I’ll correct the record and say sure, you’ve done more than 5 dungeons and you have rank 3. Now stop.

Nah, none of them do. That’s a pretty huge exageration of the Essence system.

You have 2 choices : wait for the 8.3 nerf to 8.2 content, or use different essences.

Barring that, it’s effort city for you.

I can see where a hardcore raider (as in one who gets most game enjoyment from raiding) might want to do this, so they can get their alt into the raiding scene asap.

My Rsham is 8/8, my Monk is 7/8M and my Priest is 6/8M.

My second shaman is 4/8M.

I’ve completely opted out of essence farming. They want to design their game around metrics? my non-gameplay is one


Play play play!

Give time time time!

The only downside blizzard is concerned with is that you’d be spending less time grinding, and thus potentially reduce the amount of money they get from you.

So you based an argument on false information? Are you fox news or CNN?

doubtful, as you found my scrubby 120 alts I have just for boe transmogs.

Took you long enough to actually admit you were wrong and that you lied. But you didn’t actually say sorry for doing so. Shame on you

Blizzard doesn’t understand that I’d play more alts and raid lead more pugs… which means I’d actually be playing even more.

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Once again no. If blizzard didnt time gate everything to make it to cumbersome to catch up it would not be an issue at all just like it was in all previous xpacs.

Grats to you for putting in the effort on getting your alts to those levels!

It’s the same 15$ / month whether you log in 3 seconds or everyday.

It doesn’t make them money. None of the essences take more than a month to ge to Rank 3.

Try explaining that to the suits running things. They see bottom line and cant work their head around anything that doesnt speak dollar signs.

Previous expacs required you to put in effort to obtain power progression on alts, just like essences does.

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