Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Do you think people who believe and desire change stop acting because people say no?

Hmm… the climate change argument is coming up all over again in a different form.

What is your obsession with climate change and what does it even have to do with WoW ?

Because you remind me of my uncle when I was arguing with him over christmas.

The government said it’s bollocks so stop talking about it, Nothing is going to happen Australia has spoken

Oh this? What you’re upset about how I break down the things you’ve said? Sorry not sorry. If you want to use an ad hominem to try and find a way to justify not talking to me then that’s fine. I’ll tally that up that you don’t really have a point to argue against me and from our exchanges you never have. Most of your opinions boil down to “you’re wrong because I said you are” instead of actually providing actual facts to back them up.

Again, I calls it how I sees it. Don’t like it? Then don’t post on public forums. You aren’t interested in an actual exchange of different perspectives. In many ways what you do is far more toxic than anything I’ve said.


Maybe you should keep within the holiday spirit and use those limited moments with your loved ones to be jolly and festive instead of starting arguments.

Maybe he doesnt have alts because the essence grind is bologna. Maybe if more people could play alts more then more people would still be playing.

Ah yes the holiday spirit while my entire country is on fire.

Maybe you should stop doing Mythic raiding on 5 alts then and get around to doing something about that.

If i had account bound essences think of all the hours I could have spent fighting fires.

Blizzard doesn’t respect my free time at all.


Ok I was going to say something about how we should keep it to in game stuff in this thread. But LOL.


If my country was on fire, I wouldn’t be worrying about video games.

Which tells us 2 things :

1- Your country isn’t actually on fire
2- Your priorities are kinda messed up.

His argument got shut down so now this is the angle that he’s trying to go with. Originally I started off by saying that his main argument as a negative to why account bound essences is one of his worse arguments hes ever made. He then made the statement…

And when it was presented that this is my only toon, now all of a sudden I have no argument. Any way to Sunday, this guy is here to cause conflict.

Yeah you’re right you got it. I love how quickly you changed your point after I mentioned account bound essences. You’re pathetic

It doesnt really matter. I know he is wrong. I heard his argument and I dont agree with it. We wont change his mind, and he wont change ours.


Listen keeping the integrity of single character progression in WoW is more important than a continent burning.

I mean imagine if the survivors though we were playing a MOBA or something my god how scandalous!

See how appropriate the climate change denier argument is. It’s actually so spot on I can’t even think of a better comparison.

As a climate change denier, I cant agree with your statement.

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Can you show me the “Science” behind “Account bound essences”, or is it an issue of opinion about game design which has nothing really factual behind it ?

Either you want WoW to be a character progression MMORPG, or you don’t. Unfortunately, if you are in the “don’t” camp, you’ll be sad to learn it’s a character progression MMORPG and Blizzard designs it that way.

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Kinda rich coming from someone who had to outright lie in order to feel good about themselves because they were getting debunked.

At least I didn’t lie about your characters progress. Then turn around and pretend it never happened.

It is funny calling my actions “childish” when you were the one who was raging, lying and crying about me saying that you were wrong and providing actual evidence as to why.

Can you show me a “negative” that “Account bound essences” would bring?

Wish i could go back in time before reading this but people like you are dangerous.