Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

So are essences.

So are essences.

Except VP in Mists, on top of VP gear in patch 5.0.

Yeah luckily I have you to come in here and do strawmans every few days to keep the thread bumped.

Thank goodness we’ve established firmly over the course of 10 messages you can’t provide a single negative for account bound essences :clown_face:


Man, totally jealous of their hair.

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Thats funny, the ones im using were rep grinds.

Thats funny, the ones im using were rep grinds.


Or maybe we can do something like main buying those essences and send it to our alts? Like benthic gears?

Sounds like you chose this.

Sounds like a bad system too. Hopefully they bring out account bound essences!


No, I choose whats best for my class because im not a scrub picking random essences. If its not locked behind rep, then its time gated behind weeks of raiding or weekly chests.


Then you get to put in non-scrub effort a 2nd time on an alt. And more times for each alt after that.

Your choice.

I’ve done it 4 times and I still want it, have you managed to find out a single negative about account bound essences yet?

You’re putting a lot of effort into this discussion when you fail even the most basic question.


This is what this game is all about.

Scroll up.

Hes 405 ilvl. He has no opinion in this.

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It’s crazy how one of Legions biggest complaints was that the AP grind was horrid for alts. Then everyone was happy when they decided to make the amount you received per content completed account wide.


Its also my choice to tell you youre wrong. The system as it is now is moronic. It makes people not want to play at all. It also does nothing but create yet another gap between players besides gear.

Oh don’t worry this guy has a 8/8M Prot paladin and an alt who he proudly touts he is “6/8m!” lmao

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Oh really? I’d love to see it ^.^

Sounds like it was the beginning of the end for WoW, honestly.

I’m not wrong though. Essences are gear/power progression. That’s not account bound in WoW. WoW is not a MOBA or a Hero based FPS.

Essences are gear. Gaps between players are a thing in character progression based MMORPGs.

You want to be on an even foot as everyone else ? Go play Leagues or Fortnite.

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Yes you are. Constantly you’re the only one in the room with these opinions.

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His main is called Beraaht, I don’t know the name of his alt though or if it even exists.