Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

And, no its just what this xpac and legion was built on. And even then they added a catch up in legion. I edited the post you replied to as well.

I geared up this character to 420 in a week. A heroic WF gave me a 440, if that’s not a free gear then what is?

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I guess I imagined farming VP on my alts to upgrade my gear in MoP/WoD. I guess I imagined the whole of TBC.

You needed to work for it. Account wide essences would be available to any alts even if not doing any content.

This is literally what the classic community did for 10 years.

Wait, you mean you only had to upgrade you alts gear? Ok then Ill make you a deal, Ill still upgrade my gear and we can go back to the way it was in TBC and MOP and WOD. Which is what is being asked for in this thread.


Time sinks are not content. They are boring and repetitive tasks you are required to perform.

Don’t you forget WoTLK, the games peak!

I think i did 8 GDKP runs a week in Wrath, gods It was great. I played almost every class and every spec because of how enjoyable and accessible it was.

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Yeah, imagine that, alts had to farm out their power upgrades, even if they already did the content on their mains.

Your title is quite accurate.


And no one is asking to not do that. They are asking for the massive rep grinds to take a hike.

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Blizzard did not bring back Classic because pro-Classic players out-yelled anti-Classic players. If you think that’s the case, I’ve got a bridge in Lake Havasu I’d like to sell you.

They brought back Classic because they ran the numbers and figured it would make them money. It also helps bolster their legal stance against pirate servers. But mostly they did it for the money.

1- Asking for account bound essences is asking for a main to give your alt power progression, like if VP had been account bound.

2- As is tradition, 8.3 is bringing the rep requirement nerfs for 8.2 content.

Which wasn’t a thing in TBC, WOD AND MOP which is what we were discussing. Its an extra layer that was added on for this expansion. In those xpacs you were not required to do world content to progress anything.

You got a point. Please give us something like the Warfront which we can sleep through it in order to unlock the unlocked essences.

TBC had badges of justice, WoD / MoP had VP item upgrades. BfA has Essences.

Different expansions, different power mechanics, alts get to repeat the content main’s did for them.

I do love how doing negative difficulty content is considered working for it

Ignore what that other guy said, this is by far the biggest reach I’ve ever seen you do LOL

Imagine being this desperate for a defence you need to bring up BADGE GEAR HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

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You still have to play Warfronts and you get good gear once every 3 weeks.

You mean using 4-5 alts to keep a thread bumped up for multiple weeks ?

All the time you spent in this thread, you could have gotten 2 more alts multiple Rank 3s.

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Which was done through dungeon content. It was literally the equivalent of getting gear and received in the same way. Not through rep grinds. Or farming turn ins.