Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

God these people. “Account bound Essence would make WoW not WoW!”

Can’t give a reason why, can’t give an actual negative. Continue spamming the topic about how ‘unwow’ it makes wow.


Can we please keep AP farming? Removing it would make WoW not WoW.


So you ask a question, when it’s answered, you’re all like “I didn’t ask for your opinion”.

Newsflash : yes. Yes you did.

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What is a true negative of account bound essences?

You’re having an awfully hard time here.

Edit: Why do you keep picking part of my sentence and quoting it? It’s extremely petty.


We wouldn’t be able to have these thrilling discussions, of course~

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Because it is proper netiquette to only quote the parts of a post you’re replying to, instead of the whole post.

What is a true negative of account bound essences?


Ok, I think we can firmly establish you’re unable to answer the question without resorting to “it would kill wow”.

Good to know you have no legs to stand on, at all.

By the way, the game is extremely healthy at the moment. I love seeing how an entire faction was unable to fill the Hall of Fame for CoS. It shows just how HEALTHY the game is currently!

So glad we don’t introduce Account bound essences is it might kill the game!


It pushes the game further towards being an account based game, instead of a character based game, which I consider a negative. There’s more than enough account-wide things as is.


I did multiple times, you’re just incapable of accepting the answer. The reason : you won’t ever accept any reason. Your mind is made up.

TL;DR account bound stuff is very unwow and ‘negative’
Also TL;DR from these people: WoW has too much account-bound stuff as is…

Still can’t explain why that’s a negative, it’s already part of WoW

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Careful, OP will tell you you didn’t give a negative! Because apparently wanting WoW to be a character progression based MMORPG is not an actual valid argument!

This whole thread is just OP jumping between 4-5 alts and spam replying and being toxic to anyone saying anything that goes counter to his narrative.

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You know…we’ve had many debates here on GD. As well as many differing views. This one? Is by far your biggest reach. I’m convinced now that you just like to argue for the sake of arguing.


Nah, I actually think WoW needs to be a character based progression MMORPG.

Why am I not surprised you want even more stuff handed to you though ?

This is a good comment, My counterpoint would be to make rank 4’s player specific - That way you’d still need to put in work for the top upgrade.

I don’t see this as a negative though, personally. I accept others might disagree but if gear is not account bound, nor reputations. Gear is a feature that has been around since Vanilla, Essences were introduced this patch and will undoubtedly be gone in 9.0

On top of that, I don’t see how the game moving towards being more account wide is a bad thing, how does it impact people who play? How would it effect you personally if it is account bound though?


Funny, you dismissed his same comment when I made it 5 minutes earlier…

So if Blizzard decided to do account bound essences, what stuff is exactly handed to me?


Essences, Obviously.

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Rank 4 unlocks should be account wide at the very least. I mean they are purely cosmetic and aren’t even going to carry into the next expansion.
Lucid Dream is already because of the time commitment, but what is really the hold up for the rest?

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