Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Why do you so brazenly ignore my point about how when the game was at its peak of popularity, you could swap characters whenever you wanted and be equal to your mains strength in literal hours?

It didn’t kill WoW then or deter players then, why would it do it now?


Because I don’t care about you wanting this game to be something it’s not.


Some might say it did. Getting raid quality loot from badges which you could easily farm up just from doing a daily heroic or capping out your valor points in Cata was one of the reasons for the decline in subs.

Hell, in ToC and ICC, you could just buy T9 and T10 10 man normal sets from badges. You didn’t even need to enter those raids to get them.

But it was the game, and it was it’s most successful then.

You know how people cheered when they announced on Blizzcon that there wouldn’t be an infinite grind in shadowlands?


Additionally, do you think I make these posts because I want to play another character? It’s pretty obvious that I did the grind anyway on characters I wanted to play.

I’ve played this game since 2004 - I’d like to continue playing the game for many years to come, If i see Blizzard doing something (or rather, not doing something) that I think is wrong, I’m going to speak about it because I care about the game.


All i want is a single negative account bound essences would bring to the game.


Replying to me on multiple alts isn’t going to help you.

You obviously want to be playing a competitive game without Character based progression.

Tons of them out there. WoW just isn’t for you.


How does your brain keep coming to this conclusion? Honestly?

I’m beginning to think there is no reasoning with someone like you, you’re as bad as a climate change denier.

I’m against essences not being account wide. It’s a feature that 100% deserves to be account wide.


Maybe you should lie about his characters. That always cheers you up.

Why are Frostmourne players this toxic always ?

I haven’t insulted you, you keep your insults to yourself.

Because, like dealing with someone who doesn’t believe in climate change dealing with you is exhausting and you’re in every thread.

You ignore points and keep spouting the same nonsense.

I’m honestly amazed you’ve gone multiple posts without bringing up i bet you want account bound gear too! Why not!


Meanwhile you create lies about someone. You’re not that better either tbh.

What does this have to do with Essences ?

Gul’dan: Everything!!!

Maybe read the rest of the sentence and you’ll see where I was going with it, you know, it’s the next few words.

Good to see you’re continuing the loop of ignoring all sense when it comes to essences.

So, let me ask you again.

What is a true negative of account bound essences?


Honestly i’m surprised you haven’t lied about his main or alts yet.

I did read it, I still don’t get what climate change has to do with this.

I addressed all your points : you want WoW to be something it’s not. A hero based lobby game where you swap heroes based on your mood.

WoW is a MMORPG with character based progression.

This game isn’t for you. I suggest Overwatch Competitive or League of Legends.


No no, don’t skrit around my question.

I’m not letting you off that easily sorry.

What is a true negative of account bound essences?

Edit: Honestly take your time because I plan to replying to every subsequent post you put in here with the same question until you answer me.


I’m not.

You want to play multiple alts at the very highest end.

Outside of your guild carrying you to gear in the past (which is awful, getting your guilds to carry your alts on a whim rather than an actual need), this has never been possible without effort.

It’s just not how WoW is designed.

The negative : it would make WoW something it is not and thus kill WoW.

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Sorry, I didn’t ask for your opinion on what you thought of my ideal vision of WoW is.

I asked what negative account bound essences would bring to the game - For someone with such strong conviction on the topic, surely you’d have a true negative it would bring to the game.