Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

It was absolutely sarcasm.


Because that’s counter to what MMORPGs are.

You want a MOBA or Hero FPS, there’s Heroes of the Storm or Overwatch available.

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Again with the outright lying? Even swapping to an alt too

You are just pathetic.

I think you are forgetting that I don’t mind them up to rank 2. Rank 3 should be something you commit to on your characters.

I was about to comment that I don’t really see anything wrong with account bound essences, but apparently my opinion isn’t worthy of your standards–especially since I’ve not done a single mythic the entire expansion.

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What, you’re the one who is setting the definition of what a MMORPG should be? It has to be something where you commit to one character.

If that’s the case why did Blizzard introduce account bound reputation, gear to help you level up alts quicker. Why did Blizzard acknowledge they want to promote people playing alts in Shadowlands?


and if you have, the OP will just outright lie about it because creating falsehoods is all they have.

They have lied about me and my toons twice now.

That’s how MMORPGs are : you have to go through character based progression.

Because of whiners like you who want everything handed to them. Notice how they never made it completely effortless for alts though.

The OP is a troll. All they do is lie.

You’re not wrong. I literally just grab anything I can to fill the slot so blizzards nagging popup goes away. But I have no illusion that I’ll have the time or patience to farm “BIS” essences for all my alts. Which sucks because then it means other players have to carry me a little.

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But I thought we’ve been through this at length.

I’ve done it four times, So clearly I don’t want anything handed to me. I want it handed to the game because It will increase the amount of people playing.

It’s a shame It’s 2020 and I still haven’t seen a good argument against account bound essences yet :frowning_face:


We have, so I don’t really care to explain it to you again : you obviously don’t want to be playing a MMORPG.

That is understandable since you just outright lie about anyone who does present an argument against it. Even using said lie to dismiss their case all together.

I’m hoping if i swap between my four characters enough it might drive the point home.

It’s hilarious you’re telling someone who has achievements from the Vanilla Naxx invasion event they don’t want to be playing a MMORPG.

How did i not realise this!!!


Nah, it just makes you look sad and pathetic.

I wonder what lie you will tell about me next.

Sorry, I think my venom melded my words into something that I didn’t mean to express.

My point was if people are against them, but not doing any content in the game - It doesn’t impact them in any way so why would they be against them?

I didn’t mean to come across that way.


I prefer just playing one character but I know a lot of people I raid with want to/need to change classes often and I feel bad that they need to re-earn them… just like I feel bad that they have to grind up more benthic gear (not for long at least). They are doing it for the good of the group usually.

Maybe a good compromise would be if you have the rank 3 its across account? I didn’t want to pick 4 because some of those are tough and/or RNG.

lol you edited the post because I called you out on the lie.


I think this is the perfect solution that keeps both parties happy.

People who want to do the content, still can to get rank 4.
People who don’t want to re-do the content can continue doing the content they enjoy without being forced to do (in my opinion) boring mundane content that requires 0 skill or effort.


If you have 4 characters ,you put in 4 times the effort.

This isn’t Overwatch.


More like you got called out on outright lying which is very easy to check by looking at my characters IO on the Raider IO website.

Yes you did.