Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Hiding on an alt trying to argue against a system that has 0 negatives :clown_face:

:clown_face:but my entire guild has no problem with it as a argument point :clown_face:

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Can you share your guild to see how active they are? After all you could be in a guild with 1 person and be technically correct.

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You never provided proof of your statement. You linked threads where people are complaining. I know people are complaining. But 15400 is not the majority of players in this game and that is 15400 over 3 months at least and I am pretty darn sure there is a lot of overlap so that number might be under 1000 easily.

Just like OP posting on 5 plus different characters …

bye now have to run.

Translation: I don’t have a single character who has done the essence grind and being pushed to provide evidence is scary :clown_face:

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After all this and this is how you end it

Thanks for proving everyone’s points toward what kind of person you are.

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Good. Run away.

You were being debunked ober and over in this thread. Learn to accept things arent what you think sometimes.

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Listen his entire guild on his main who he refuses to post with has done the essence grind seventy times and his dad ACTUALLY works for Blizzard and saw the numbers they were fine!

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If there is 100% over lap between the 6 threads that means at the very least there would be total of 2567 people that agree :slight_smile: easily over 1000

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lol, the OP edited their first post and changed the title to create the illusion that this is a “new” thread.

Well there are zero downsides to just mail us all mythic raid gear either but it would be a horrible idea.

Yes a …
new thread with 709 posts… I’ve been busted.

You notice how when a new patch hits all the gear from 8.2 becomes worthless almost over night? Thinking…

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Clearly you didn’t see the quotation marks around the word “new”.

Also why do you keep changing the title and first post? Almost like you keep changing the topic whenever you get your butt kicked.

I love fresh opportunities to attract level 55 alts and 120’s who are 8/8 Heroic (rarely) and have no alts explain to me how account bound essences are a bad thing for the game.


Sounds like you are still butthurt and having to create falsehoods. Why not just create a new thread?

Almost like you just want your safe space on a somewhat public forum.

What’s wrong with this one? Why do i need a new thread when I have a laundry list of people here who have spewed their uninformed opinions.

How is it a safe space if everyone can comment and I’m inviting arguments ? I don’t think you know what that phrase means.


Except you are not inviting arguments. You dismiss anyone who doesn’t fit your “criteria” like you tried to do with me by outright lying about me not having any alts with rank 3 essences (even though I do)

I just find it humorous to see this thread have a different title and first post every day or so.

… when playing MMORPGs.


WoW shouldn’t be a game you can easily change your toon’s class to “play at a semi-high level”.

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Prove me Wrong

And why not? It was this way during the time WoW was at its highest popularity of all time. It wasn’t even ‘semi high’ actually, it was the highest difficulty of content.


Just saying “prove me wrong” isn’t inviting people to argue with you. I still love watching that video of Crowder getting his butt kicked in an argument that he just got up and left like a baby.

Besides, your whole “prove me wrong” statement was a recent change you made to the title. You also said this,

Which is clearly sarcasm. Hence my line of you dismissing anyone who doesn’t fit your criteria.

inb4 you tell me that wasn’t sarcasm.

Having gear given to you by badges that you can easily obtain wasn’t the greatest gearing system.

And I shall repeat myself, it is your choice to do this essence grind on numerous alts. Blizzard isn’t putting a gun to your head and saying “GRIND THESE ON ALL THESE ALTS OR ELSE!”.