Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Takes one week to get the rep from nazjatar after the changes and that essence is only of value to healers - is your argument that everyone who is returning a healer ?

Ok so now you’ve moved from people aren’t being forced to the grind isnt even that bad it’s only 7 days

Just checking.


I’ll just ignore the fact that you disregarded the crucial information I brought to you just to fit your “everything is fine as it is” narrative and say this:

There is a clear issue with the current’s essence system. If you want to say otherwise, look further than your own perspective. Think of the other players around you. You will see crystal clear issues right in front of you, should you bother opening your eyes.

With that done, I say try providing an alternative solution to account wide essences, instead of repeating over and over “The current system is fine” or “It doesn’t take long to reach rank 1” because the fact is… these arguments are only true for a small part of the players. You have to look further than this minority you’re in.


They aren’t forced but you insist that they are so I felt I needed to remind you one week is nothing. I would think someone as ‘informed’ as you would realize that but alas you appeared to have forgotten that.


Any suggestions?


No one in game in my guild has been having problems with doing these on multiple characters. Are you sure I am in the minority in the game ?

I don’t see this as being a problem that needs fixing. Anyone who isn’t willing to spend one week on an alt getting an essence they figure they have to have isn’t worth paying attention to.

There are millions of players in this game, and hundred of thousands players complaining about essences every week on all social platforms. Visible proof for this that you can find very easily by yourself.

And you come up with “no one in my guild complains about it”?

This is the literal proof that you only look at your little world and don’t get out of your bubble to look further around you.


I don’t even see your main character, feel free to post on it - As I’ve demonstrated pretty clearly It’s quite easy to swap over. Unless you haven’t done the grind once, like Yesuna?

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No It’s the content creators, WoWhead, reddit and the WoW forums that are wrong.

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Really and you have proof ‘hundreds of thousands’ are complaining about essences every week ?

I mostly see the same 20 people on this forum complaining about them.

Feel free to swap over to your main. It’s very easy to do.


Nah that’s what you people do to inflate the numbers - you after all have to make up 100s of thousands complaining WEEKLY.


This is your award for having the worst argument in a thread with 692 posts.

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Oh look a character switch - 692 posts - 100 from one poster.

Everyone in my guild says this thread speaks the truth, so I guess we have a bit of a problem! Oh no!


You asked for it, here you go:


Cumulated votes of roughly ~15400 all in favor. Approval rates across those threads of 87% for the lowest to 97% for the highest.

Took me 2 minutes to find this. AND only on one website, reddit, which is not the most popular of the bunch either. This is only the tip of the iceberg.


15400 isn’t 100s of thousands and those threads go back MONTHS.

Did you forget what you claimed ?

I’m not gonna bother with a dick measuring length contest, so I’ll only say that its a f-word ton more than your guild.


Translation. I made this statement up.

Take what you will of this, I provided tangible proof, and on your side provided only your personnal experience.

We have better things to discuss now, if you don’t mind.