Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

The new essences dont make the old ones irrelevant at all.

ive been playing a healer alt for the first time ever and id like to really work at it but as it stands its just a hobby because i have no desire at all to farm the essences. so ill just heal my little mythic key each week.

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There are 7 new essences. So you are saying that characters aren’t playable if you just pick those ones ? I would think for most returning players that would be fine.

Split between healers, dps and tanks. And no, the new ones dont just make old ones useless. BoTE is still the BiS M+ essence for a lot of specs moving forward for example.

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Well people are still going to be doing islands and mythic plus dungeons and there is the storyline one you get for leveling up your neck. I think people will manage just fine without doing mechagon and nazjatar and the old raid which are the only ones in ‘old’ content and those were being made easier anyway.

I don’t think this is going to be a problem for returning players.

Im sure blizzards business model works around “people will manage just fine”

Thats how they lose customers.

It is better than the ‘everyone is a little annoyed’ model.

i don’t think many do. I’m bringing up the point of people saying “well i liked doing the content/grind anyway”.

Those people can still do them, nothing changes.

Also - I’ve done the rank 3 grind on 4 characters now officially.

You are utterly delusional if you think redoing old daily rep grinds won’t turn away returning players.


I have all classes at 120. I enjoy playing all classes and playing them at a semi high level. Its hard to do that when you have to grind essences on every one of them to be effective.


You are the one who has been bumping up this thread for months now, thinking that if you do so they will change their minds. From my perspective it isn’t me that’s delusional.

If i had a dollar for every person hiding on an alt in this thread :face_with_head_bandage:

Actually it’s all the pro-grind people hiding behind alts, what if Yesuna and GalerI are the same person?


Weren’t you the one posting on 5 different characters to bump this thread up earlier ?

Also, the only one who matters in this discussion is blizzard and they can see who is who. Nice try though.

This isn’t looking at the big picture.

It’s important to make sure all, or at least most, categories of players are well supported by a new system.

Blatantly disregarding the fact that essentially all competitive players care about their character’s optimization and want to maximize it, and saying the new 8.3 essences is a solution to the current problems is incredibly short sighted, here’s a few reasons as to why :

  • Only 7 new essences, and actually only 3 usable maximum, considering there are 2 new essences for each role (tank, heal, damage) + one neutral. With 8.3’s 4th essence slot, this reason alone is enough to disregard entirely what you just said;
  • All of these new essences offer corruption resistance, which is actually unique, meaning it isn’t stackable from multiple essences. This shows Blizzard’s intention in a very obvious way: They expect players to use only one, at most, of the new 8.3 essences;
  • Knowing this, it’s now crystal clear: returning players and alts are forced to go back on abandoned content to catch up with everyone else.

Big picture folks. It’s important to look further than your nose!


Yeah, and on 4 of those I had rank 3’s.

So I’d consider myself an informed complainer.


I have no idea what point you are trying to make is.

There is almost no need whatsoever to go back to ‘old’ content to get essences. Because only the new essences offer corruption resistence means even less desirably to go back to old content.

Does not make sense. There is very little abandoned content that people need to go back for and even those it will only take a week to get if for some demented reason people feel they HAVE to have the old ones.

Yes and provided to you, by Tjphess is that the corruption resistance essences are unique. You can only have one instance of corruption reduction in your four essences equipped.

ERT/LD (Rep in Nazjatar/Follower experience) will be used in 10/10 setups for every healer except maybe HPal.

Why are you even in here arguing when you are so clearly out of your depth?


And so is mythic dungeons, islands expeditions, battlegrounds, arena, wPvP all of a sudden ‘abandoned’ and old content ?

Nazjatar is 8.2 content.

Mythic Dungeons/Expeditions/Battlegrounds/Arena/WPvP are core features. What are you even arguing haha oh my god.

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The argument was people were being forced to go back to old abandoned content to get essences.

They aren’t because there are plenty of essences from the sources listed and the new essences.

Pay attention.

Oh so your point is people aren’t being forced to do old content because instead of getting 2 of their best essences they can just get ones that are horribly weak in comparison?

Whoa this is a really strong hill you’ve decided to die on.