Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

There should be more vendor essences you can purchase at exalted, but make them account bound. DPS essence, Tank essence and Healing essence. They should give your alt a random essence that they don’t already have. Or you should be able to buy an account bound essence upgrade, where you can target an essence.

Did you intentionally choose my lowest geared alts while ignoring my other ones? Talk about cherry picking.

I only leveled by dark iron shaman to 120 for 1. Hertiage armor, and 2 so I have a 120 mail user on alliance that i can send BFA mail greens to for tmog.

Same with my priest, which is a lightforged Draenei.

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You can keep moving the goal posts, you can cherry pick my alts to death but that doesn’t change the fact that,

Thought this was already addressed but I guess you’re picking and choosing what hills you die on.

The fact that any essence has become account bound is progress, essence and account bound was in the same sentence which is more than we’ve had up until now.

That was the point, but please continue you’re helping me keep this at the top with your hollow points.

No it doesn’t. As I said before, you still need rank 3 of said essence to even buy rank 4, let alone use. Rank 4 is a cosemtic upgrade, not a dps, hps or ehps upgrade.

I’m just stating facts. You are the one who has hollow points. Going so far as to cherry pick my alts and spam the thread with yours.

??? No what doesn’t? You didn’t address anything i said.

It’s a literal fact.

Oh another strawman LOL

Making one essence rank (which is just a cosmetic upgrade) account wide, while keeping the requirement that you need to have the previous rank (note NEED) to even buy it from the vendor doesn’t prove that blizzard will be making essences account wide. Which is what you are saying.

I think you need to learn what a strawman argument actually is. Jumping onto your alts, and cherry picking mine to “prove” some point that has nothing to do with what I am posting is an example of a strawman argument.

Look at this captain context strikes again. I never said it was proof that they will be making all essences account bound.

I said it’s proof they’ve started to relook at the essence system because It’s the first mention we’ve seen of account bound essences.

Once again, Just want to remind everyone following this argument that Denona has 0 alts with level 3 essences and is actively participating against a change that would do nothing but benefit him.

Which they haven’t. The achievement that gives you rank 4 memory is also required to get the crab mount from the Nazjatar meta achievement. And by making that meta achievement account wide next patch, as a result the achievement in question is also becoming account wide. As that achievement is also a meta achievement. It really has nothing to do with essences. But keep spinning that narrative.

Well that is a lie. I said I had 4 alts at 120, and you only linked 2. Which I have already addressed as to why they are 120 and why I don’t really care about essences on them as a result. While intentionally ignoring my alts that has some rank 3 essences.

Now you have to result to lying. Shame on you.

In fact, I just recently completed the table mission for rank 3 worldvein on my horde pally. That alone proves you wrong. So continue to make actual strawman arguments.

Are they or are they not changing an essence (i don’t care what level) to be account bound?

They are, but as I mentioned before, it is moreso for the crab mount and not the essence. And as I have said before as well, making rank 4 “account wide” doesn’t really do much because

  1. It is a comestic upgrade
  2. You still need rank 3 on said character to actually buy and use rank 4 of said essence.

But knowing you, you will just quote me saying “they are” while ignoring everything else.

You even had to straight up lie in order to feel “good” about yourself because you keep getting debunked left right and center.

Ok great thanks, just wanted to check good news.

Account bound essences soon then.

Called it. Still doesn’t prove you right that blizzard is planning or thinking about making other essences account wide. As blizzard has gone on record numerous times saying they won’t.

What are you getting upset about? I just wanted to make sure Blizzard was still planning on releasing an essence to be account bound because If your previous posts were to believed they weren’t.

I’m actually really happy they are making an essence account bound. It’s a great change.

A rank 4 essence that still requires you to do the rank 1 to rank 3 grind to get.


Keeping lying to everyone.

A rank 4 essence that will now be account bound - Really awesome change honestly for alts.

Look forward to what comes next.

You still have to do the rank 1 to rank 3 grind on your alts. So no, not really an awesome change.

Yes but rank 4 will be acount bound.

Lucid Dreams is an essence

That means an essence will be account bound.

Hope this helps!

You will still have to do the rank 1 to rank 3 grind on each individual alt though. So no, not really.

You can’t go from rank 1 to rank 4 like that. Sorry, but facts don’t care about your feelings.

Do we need to make an award for the person who is missing the point the most consistently ?