Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

No thanks to account wide essences.

Are you okay?

Are you still angry that I debunked your claim earlier in the thread?

Only someone against account bound essences could be this delusional.

I’m actually for them, at least up to rank 2. That said, you made the claim that since rank 4 Memory was going account wide, it means that blizzard is planning or will do account wide essences. Ignoring the fact that you need rank 3 of an essence to actually get rank 4 on that character.

But go on and assume things.

And yeah, that would be fine for being doing low content, but anyone who is looking for the alts to do any competitive content you’d be thrown in the bin with level 2.

You don’t need rank 3 of every essence to do “competitive content” on alts. Hell, for most essences the biggest jump in dps, hps or ehps is from rank 1 to rank 2. Blizzard is nerfing the requirements for a lot of essences in the next patch to make getting rank 3 easier. Mainly the rep based ones.

They are called alts for a reason. They are meant to be lower “geared” than your main.

Sorry considering you’re a champion of getting butthurt about phrases used and to who, maybe you can go back and see where I said that you needed them?

Yes, geared, which has been the case since the beginning of the game, and during the most successful expansion pack of all time there was nothing stopping you for hitting max level and going straight into ICC and getting geared to a level of your main.

Do you know how many people complained about this? 0.

Again, are you okay?

And while you may not have directly said it, saying that you want your alts to be on a competitive level with your main kinda implies it. otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining about this =)

Having a full 10 normal set from ICC being purchasable with badges would’ve helped with achieving that.

How many alts do you have? I’m curious because you’re arguing the same way others do who have zero alts which seems a very strange position to take.

I’ve almost finished the essence grind on my fourth character so I literally have 3 characters who are on par with my main.

I have 4 other characters at 120, but I only really regularly play the one, which is my horde alt I use to see the story from their perspective.

And since they are alts, I don’t really give a damn about their essences.

And that is YOUR choice. Don’t come crying to blizzard to change something because you don’t like the choices you made. Blizzard isn’t forcing you to play like 5 characters who need to be massively geared.

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Right so we’ve established you have 1 character with level 3 essences and you’re arguing against a system that would do nothing but benefit you and you would lose nothing.

Just clarifying.

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I said I wanted them account side but only up to rank 2. I still feel that rank 3 should be something that individual character should obtain.

And just because I said I don’t give a damn about their essences doesn’t mean I don’t try to get rank 3 on them. I just don’t do it zealously. Believing that I need to have rank 3 essences in order to be “good”.

Like I said, you made the choice of gearing up numerous alts so they can be competitive alongside your main. That is your choice, blizzard did not force you to do that.

Of course It’s my choice, I’m aware of that. I’m not here begging for something that’s going to benefit me. I’m doing it because It’s a change that would encourage more people playing the game.

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You’ve made it pretty clear by not outright saying you have bis essences that you in fact don’t have any, If i thought you were making any good or decent points I’d go out of my way to find your alts to back up my claim but i think it’s pretty clear cut here.

I just want a better game for others, me doing the grind 4 times is carried solely by the people I enjoy playing the game with.

Lol, did you just jump onto your alts to mass reply to me? That is really really really sad.

I think you are the one who is

No, I’m just showing proof to backup my claim.

The fact you keep going on about ‘are you mad, you’re probably mad, why are you so mad’ Is just a really great nail in the coffin you have no argument.


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Well that is a stretch. I think you need to be one a race that has longer arms.

Isn’t that you said beforehand towards me? Saying that I was the one who gets butthurt easily?

Your claim was that since rank 4 memory is going “account wide” it means that blizzard is planning or is entertaining the idea of bringing all essences “account wide” which simply isn’t true. As you still need to get rank 3 of said essence to buy and use rank 4 of said essence.

Jumping on different alts to spam me doesn’t change that fact.

Airiya - 120 Shaman, Neck level 2.
Celta - 120 Priest, Neck level 46.

Sorry why are you against this system again?


Understatement when they don’t even have one :upside_down_face: