Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

My second shaman is rising.

Happy monday everyone! Reminder essences should be account bound!

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The benthic catch-up gear is account wide. Next patch will also have account wide catch-up gear.

Outside of such catch-up mechanics, though, per character gear is generally gained through doing the content you want the gear for, rather than locked behind reputation grinds.


Dont worry, they’ll come in 8.3.5 when they pull a Silithus with the HoA to make it like the Legion artifacts.

Sounds about right :smile: I remember people yapping about how they wanted to target the legendaries, and it wasn’t 'till then that they did it.

Atleast you can target essences.

Not to mention you’d really have to not try to not gear an alt extremely fast. Essences were first described by Ion as achieving them similarly to how artifact tints worked.

I didn’t bother with 90% of the tints. Essences kind of are necessary :stuck_out_tongue: to put it lightly.

It helps… I guess… still a boring system.

ah yes the classic blizzard “fix a broken system in the last patch before scrapping the entire feature”

the classic really.

No justice no peace, account bound essences or riot.

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It’s been a while

We love account wide essences :pray:

Make it happen Blizzard, no downsides!


I don’t want account wide essences.
I want character progression and long term goals.

Essences provide players like me with both of those.

Essences are like gear. Just because your main character is walking around with a 445+ weapon doesn’t mean all your 20+ alts need to be given an equivalent weapon to maintain parity across them all. Every Rank 1 Essence can be earned within a week. Many essences can be picked up in as little as an hour.

If you want to gear an alt, play and gear the alt much like you did your main.
if you want to collect essences on an alt, play and collect them on the alt much like you did your main.

What you are asking for is not much different than demanding that gear and character levels be made account wide. An absurd demand, but it adhears to the same main points; Saves time, removes “grind”, there is a pool of people that definitely want those thigns. However, if you did’t want to repeat things you’ve already done before, you shouldn’t have created an alt in the first place. At their core alts are a form of repetition.


Well said!

I would be inclined to agree if to get gear you had do do certain content on super easy difficulty over a period of weeks.
Thankfully that is not the case

If you want to compare essences to gear progression then they need to be offered and obtained in the same way i.e. via a variety of content that the player chooses. Essences force players to only do the content Blizzard commands you to.

With gear the player can choose the source for most gear ie pvp, m+, raiding, world quests, emissaries, warfronts.

If you want essences Blizzard doesnt care what you like to do you need to do the content they dictate to obtain the essence that is good for your class.

So I reject the comparison because the acquisition is inherently different. Gear gives players agency in how to obtain them. Essences take away player agency and are a horrible unchallenging grind solely invented to waste time instead of provide lasting entertainment value.

We can have week long grinds but why should x class be forced to do Z content when they would never do Z content if they had the choice?


They will become old content in 8.3 as they are specifically tied to a majority of 8.2 content. They should become dirt easy to achieve just as artifact necklace becomes easier to level up.

This is probably the best way to state those who are against things around here, the other is just that they are white knighting Blizzard to try and get the fancy MVP forum title.

The more I come here the more I realise, they really cannot explain most of the time why they are against anything being changed, ignore half the stuff you say and focus on what they think they can win an argument about.

What’s the saying, don’t argue with a so and so, they will bring you own to their level and win with experience. I’ve learnt that dealing with those types you just need to focus on what they are trying to ignore and eventually the give up and go away.


I am perfectly fine earning the essences on other alts. The problem is grinding rep for essences. Thats not fun to me. If I have to grind out some dungeons or go do the raid on an Alt? I might dislike some of it but it makes sense, but grinding rep for essences?

I thank Blizzard for just making the reputation requirement revered, but that still sucks. Grinding 30K honor can still be a long haul. Its getting somewhat quicker, but it will still dissuade alts/players.

The AP catchup is one thing, it was in BFA like it was in Legion, but Essences are another seperate progression system that doesnt really have an innate “catchup” and is just whatever Blizzard has the mercy to reduce the requirement.

This is the only way to salvage this expansion given it needs to last a year. Account bound essences is the way to go IMO.

Ive done it zero times. Its clear is a failed system that will go the way of the artifact weapon and be scrapped soon.

Hopefully they stop trying to reinvent this wheel and god back to skill trees and tiered BIS gear chase. Give me a real skill tree no skill twig like in classic.

Its so simple,and,they keep failing trying to over complicate