Not true
Gear is a core part of an mmo’s progression system. It is what defines virtually anything in the game.
Essences don’t come even close to that. Essences are just bad content, a temporary fix for a disaster of a system. The way they are acquired are similar to mounts and pets, not gear. Would you want to regrind every mount and pets you have on every character?
The reality is BFA is an open wound. 8.3 solves a lot of problems by bringing better content than 8.2’s, this new content being very alt-friendly (aka the complete opposite of 8.2’s), making the end of the AP grind much easier (we’ve all heard the screams of joy at blizzcon when they announced that AP is gone in 9.0), and so on.
Knowing this, they need to make BFA as little of a pain as they can by prioritizing the quality of life for returning players and alts.
Making the essences acquisition far easier is one way to go to solve this.
Account bound would realistically only solve this for alts. For returning players, making the acquisition of the 8.2 essences far easier is a good solution. The current nerfs of some essences’ acquisition on the PTR are not nearly enough. Point being that having to do the entirety of 8.2 and 8.3 at the same time is atrociously time consuming for a returning/new player, and will inevitably push some of them to quit the game. We don’t want that, right?
The character progression you want, and the long term goals, have been there since before essences existed.
Character progression being literal gear, and the AP grind being on the side somewhat for 2 expansions now.
A long term goal should not be a 5% power increase from a temporary band-aid system, that is acquired by doing 3 dailies a day for 2 weeks, doing world quests for a month to get exalted, being forced to do arenas for a month when you hate it, and so on.
It should rather be an actual goal! Be it something simple like clearing the latest raiding content, achieving a certain bracket in rated arenas, or simply focusing on improving your own play, in whatever part of the game you prefer.
Being forced to do content outside of what you like isn’t interesting, player agency on the other hand is interesting. And what a surprise, it is the main focus for the Shadowlands expansion, who would’ve thought after the essence and azerite system, right?!