Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

There is still rng sure but it isn’t what we have now. We don’t have the details but from what has been said there will be 6 pieces to choose from. Worst case that is like getting 6 weeks of loot to choose between every week. Maybe they will be guaranteed to be 6 different slots maybe not but at the minimum (from what has been said) it is 6 times as good as what we have atm.

I’m with ya 100%

I rolled an alt mw monk and wanted to tank, so I got rank 3 null barrier and rank 3 nazjatar essences

I then decided I didn’t like brew monk all that much (just not as much utility as prot pal, not even close) so I wanted a 2nd paladin - mainly due to “residuum time gate” since I want a current healer and tank for progression (with off spec of tank and dps respectively).

So I did rank 3 mechagon and naz again. That’s my third round of rank 3.

I hate mechagon so much - by far the worst experience I’ve done in WoW in 15 years. Hate hate hate. 8.3 fixes are just way way too late to matter. Just like islands and warfronts - which I also hate and never play. BfA seems to be really, really good and ruining content.

i mean at this point you are criticizing the whole loot system

you think a chest giving you an actual choice of what you pick between 6 pieces is rng on top of rng

well then what about the loot on a particular boss ?

what if that boss has 6 pieces it can drop for you, but on top of that you don’t even know what piece you’ll get ! Seems like rng on top of rng yea?

See how silly this argument is now?

At this point, the only reason I’m even considering a sub every few months is because of my guild. I can’t bring myself to do any more essences and whatever else passes for story and content in BfA so I’m thinking of dipping in every couple of months to do some old content runs and say “hi.” Not sure that’s worth giving money to Blizzard though.

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right now its rng on top on rng on top of shadowladns is just rng on top of rng unless they add something like deathforging or soulforging then it will be the same.

its still rng on top of rng.

New preach video, in 100% agreeance with him



well since you’re just dodging the fact you’re saying 100% untrue stuff lets go back to the subject

We love account wide essences

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I love account bound essences, best idea.

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I am in favour of account wide essences, they are boring and are required for the content i like, even tho they are not from that content.


I hear that Wav,

You’re hitting the right tunes.

It’s time for account bound essences.


oh my is this another hot post on reddit once again claiming that the people want account wide essences

couldn’t be more right

it’s time blizzard, want to make the people happy? boa essences next build!

We will be standing on the right side of history when account bound essences come out!

wont ever happen essence grinding equals player engagement which equals mroe time invested and they get your $15 a month.

They already said no. There is no when about it. Many of us are very content with their sound decision.

The support for boa essences is quite overwhelming these days, love it

We love account wide essences :slight_smile:

Hard agree! It’s exactly like the wow vanilla servers a lot of people wanted, they said no, therefore it will never happen!

wait a minute…


Good point, get ready for account wide essences in 8 more years.

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