Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

I mean no

the items comes from the dungeons items, so the item’s stats will stay the same, just depends on which one you’ll get

you’ll get a list of 5-6 items when you open your chest, and you choose the best one, guaranteeing an upgrade far more often than how it is today

too bad if you still think that’s “rng on top of rng” though, cause that’s wrong

still off topic though

:clap: boa essences :clap:

Pathfinder itself is fine if you ask me, 100% of the issues with it simply comes from the fact that it’s introduced almost a year after the expansion is out, should just be available after part 1 on expansion launch tbh

and that is how people want the implementation of boa essences to be, like flying : if you do unlock all essences on your main (unlocking pathfinder on your main), you get to use them all on your alts (flying unlocked account wide)

Thinking that a feature or lack of feature in 8.3 has any bearing on 9.0 :roll_eyes:

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Of course, everything has bearings on 9.0.

Why are you worried about tier sets? I specifically remember you praising Blizzard for all the “catch up” gear being thrown around, even the benthic gear pieces that were better than some mythic raid pieces. Lol

And that’s why you should always quote someone, that way they can’t immediately edit the comment. gg

I raid.

I do believe catch gear / mechanisms are good for the game. Blizzard makes me change mains more than I would prefer to.

Maybe, what difference does it make?

Kind of crazy for you to worry about tier when you spent so much time trolling welfare gear threads in support of it and praising Blizzard for it lol

Yeah, I am done with your trolling.

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How many alts do you want to be on par with your main?

Depends how far I decide to take my main doesnt it? If I prefer to keep my main at normal level the answer would be normal level raiding. If I say heroic then its heroic. If I say capable of 2 keying a +10 season 2 Mythic plus then its that. It depends on the person. Personally I think the most challenging ways to get gear and power progression should remain that and that the easier grind related power curves should be lessened so we can focus on the greater challenge.

Does it matter? I just want to play the game and do the things i enjoy.

If i want to do go pvp on my fresh 120 character i should be able to, not be severely handicapped because I haven’t put in my mandatory 3-4 week work for essences

thats right you will get a lost of rng items with rng stats.

its still rng on top of rng you just will have more rng items to chose from.

I hope you’re not getting upset over the change, because that’d be downright ridiculous.

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there is no change you dont know what gear you will be getting form the lootbox its rng gear and you dont know the stats on that rng gear right?

its STILL rng on top of rng.

You get to choose if you want a cloak, a weapon or a trinket vs getting a cloak for 4 weeks in a row.

Are you just petitioning for the full removal of the box or what?


The “gating” for alts to be like peoples main should be based on the content they do, not the hoops they have to jump through to get to that content.

If someone wants to Mythic Raid, or smash out high level keys on their alts, that should determine how strong they are. Not jumping through boring pseudo-attunements like Azerite Essences.


I remember saying to another guy, “I wish I had time to develop another char”

it’s kind of cool that it’s a real deep dive to develop something sometimes, but other times it’s a real freaking drag

so, what if there was some sort of catch-up that’s depended on previous work

so, like for a simple example, how about rep. by my thinking, the speed at which you gain rep should increase significantly based on how many alts you already have capped.

They COULD do like they do other grinds and at least make it easier on alts…a commendation or something.
i doubt they will.
Absolutely sadistic.

I didn’t even bother to do it on my main.


Repeatedly, for every character. Pathfinder I did one time, and never again.

they said 6 pieces would show up and we wear a lot more then 6 right so can you tell me what will be in the chest each week? so rng

its the same thing you have now but more pieces of gear in it…