Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

Seems unlikely tbh.

:clap: we :clap: love :clap: account :clap: wide :clap: essences :clap:

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I too was shocked and I GASPED IRL (In real life) When i discovered someone shared a similar name pattern as mine!

Completely umpossible.

It’s really terrible particularly if your alt is a class that uses Blood of the Enemy. As someone with next to no desire to do random BGs that was a miserable grind and one that I simply refuse to do on an alt.


Be careful what you wish for. They’ll have pathfinder for essences.

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Well, to be fair… I think that’s what the OP is asking for. Account bound essences. Pathfinder is account bound flight.


Big difference between one essence being unlocked and a massive achievement grind

I mean that’s literally what is being asked for, why would people be careful about that?

Yeah, I wouldn’t mind doing Blood of the Enemy or Conflict and Strife on my Warlock, but I barely have any interest in PvP on my main character, let alone trying to do it on my alts which I typically play to tank on.

So a pretty trivial grind consisting of an hour or so of dailies for a couple of weeks, leading to account bound essences?

Sounds great.


Doing it once and being done with it? No, I think I’d be fine with that.

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Doing what once? You realize it’d be a lot more than just grinding out the essences.

See people think things will get better with Shadowlands but this no change on essences it proof is won’t be.

not going to happen and there is only a year left until you re level in shadowlands to just log in for your rng lootbox gear upgrades on tuesdays.

well the rng lootbox thing is actually being changed to give you a list of items to choose instead of a random item in Shadowlands, but this is not part of the subject here

:clap: we demand account wide essences :clap:

Are you kidding? If it’s the same level of effort as pathfinder, then please sign me up. PF is very easy to acquire and just takes playing the game. If there wasn’t a PF part 2, I’d be 100% perfectly fine with PF.

Essences are very easy to acquire and just require playing the game.

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its still rng on what stats ae on the items and the items themselves.

its still rng on top of rng.

Thanks for tuning in 350 posts into the thread and showing you didn’t read anything.


Trust me buddy, I agree and think they should be account bound, but I’m saying don’t expect Blizzard to do it any rational or reasonable way. Pathfinder and Allied Races are evidence. That post had nothing to do with what you were saying, either, it was in response to the Pathfinder defender drone above me.