Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

People were able to unlock flying in less than a week. They play a lot but its possible.

There are repeatable rep turn ins and there is an unlock that will allow you to buy rep tokens and funnel to your alt. They also let you craft the materials now, which was not possible before, greatly reducing the time.

Even if he is in one sentence he has so many other great points and alot of the community agree with him. I think its a little bit dismissive to deny the whole topic and subject for one sentence. He has said much more than just that.

But whatever how are you Spodge?

I am pretty sure I already commented in this thread prior to that. And I sure am going to dismiss any argument that includes ‘x’ content creator said this.

They actually made posts on at least SIX characters in this thread.

You need to be exalted for the rep token unlock. And you still need to grind in Mechagon to get the mats to craft it, so it’s not like you are doing much less grinding this way.


But this conversation is about alts. So the assumption is, if you already have a main at r3, that it should be faster for your alt to get r3. It is, through flying and unlocks. It’s just not free.

If your main is still not revered, that is a different story. Some amount of preparation is required to unlock game features and power progression. This is an mmo. The amount of time depends on many factors. The amount of fun had while doing it changes too.

I personally hate leveling, but not many people are going to let me have unlimited 120’s because I’ve already gotten to 120 once…

I mean just because someone agrees with someone else does not dismiss the opinion of either. Focusing on the underlying reasons presented in the video or comment should be the focus. Not just denying it because it came from a youtuber. One day a youtuber may say something you agree with but did not ask him/her to say. Should I disagree with you by saying “You sound just like X youtuber. Are you seriously just repeating his/her line now?”

You can buy a boost to get to 120 though.

And FWIW it’s way, way faster to farm the gold to buy a boost than it is to get any rep essence to rank 3.

I haven’t levelled an alt for years. Just buy boosts with tokens.

I haven’t done any essence grind

I haven’t done pathfinder

I Unsubbed , quit . Ain’t NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT

I am not going to watch those guys and this is the comment made, like those guys are something special.

Anyway, someone who has to sock puppet in a thread using 5 characters probably deserves to be ignored.

In all fairness his original point of doing so was to show the essences on all his characters to prove that he has done the grind with enough people that merits in its own self enough credibility to have an opinion on it. As in he did it like 3x and prob has as much of a valid opinion on it as you do. Look at his wow armories that all have purple essences. His point in doing so was to show that he was not lazy, as many people claim “oh you just want it BOA because you are lazy”. His point was that he was not lazy, did it 3x, and then pretty much posted on his characters to show that. So I do not mind that he has a few posts on others. You can see that hes about a quarter of all the posts. Still does not discredit his points and other peoples responses.


the content creator thing is obvious

yes the guy talking in the video is alone

these video happens to gets several hundreds of thousands of views, a majority of the viewers will agree with it, and it spreads the idea around.

this is a really niche and weird hill to die on, and not really relevant to the topic anyway

now back to the good stuff

we love account wide essences :slight_smile:

Hope everyone had a great weekend but now it’s back to the grind baby.

As in grinding to recommend account bound essences because as a friendly reminder there is 0 downsides to account bound essences.

Praise it brother.
I’m an INFORMED complainer.


Howdy friends, I did the Lightforged Heritage armor grind because I didn’t want to do another essence grind for the fourth time. I’m going to do the Kul Tiran one next.


It’s not sock puppeting if you’re not pretending to be someone else.

Was looking forward to playing more characters in 8.3, but no account wide essences means I’m only gunna play my lock and then do other stuff.

Hopefully Shadowlands is better for alts.

Damn I was so careful to pick names that people wouldn’t connect the dots as well, are you telling me everyone knew all along?!


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Hello, as a new person who has discovered this thread I support account bound essences.


Awkward? Who is Awkward?

My name is Guy Incognito.

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I see multiple posters with the pre-fix “timbo.” I’m growing suspicious that these may in fact be one in the same person Watson!

I definitely support this suggestion, as I have just discovered this thread i’m not sure how i missed it!

Op is also very handsome and muscular.

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