Account bound essences would be a net positive for the game

I hate to break it to you but nothing either of us say holds any credibility since we don’t make the calls on anything.

ah the good old if I die you’re coming with me

ain’t happenin bud

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Three clicks Yesuna,

Three clicks.

It takes three clicks to prove me wrong.

Unless you’ve got nothing to show?

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Like actually three clicks, Blizzard did a great job.

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Correct. I have nothing to show you. I’m not here to prove anything to some random on a forum.

in that case since you don’t care whatsoever about this you can be on your way then


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That’s what I thought, you’ve never even done the grind once.


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Boomer yells at cloud.

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Not caring about the topic and not caring to prove something to a random on a forum aren’t the same.


Good bye it’s been fun.

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I’ve seen an interesting idea for essences, what if rank 4 essences earned on your main character would unlock the access to rank 3 essences on alts for some currencies?

Sounds good to me!

I’d be happy if the essence item themselves were BoA. So you’d still need pearls, spare parts to buy them etc.

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There’s a good percentage chance yes since this been a ongoing case since Legion. Countless of feedback yet they’re still stubborn on their beliefs. When they lost so much subscribers to the point only a few or 2 mil players are left.

They showed us Shadowlands being a extreme alt friendly which will make the game appealing to an certain extent, but would be nice if they started it now instead of making the playerbase wait until the next expansion.

They really need to understand how to get consumers back than assume what they think is better for them.

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Just ignore this guy, he’s been exposed as nothing but a complainer who doesn’t even play the game. Shameless Blizzard shill.

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There hasn’t been “countless feedback” on this topic, it’s simply not as huge to the player base as some might think. Many players are dead set against this idea.

We have no idea what their sub numbers are, I’m certain there aren’t 15 million but we shouldn’t just make stuff up and pass it off as fact.

the game is alt friendly now too, there are catch up mechanics in place around every corner.

Wow…how long have you’ve been out of the picture? Seeing how your responses are. It’s better you stay that way. I don’t need to convince those are who forever blinded.

Yeah. They’re those blindfold defenders. Only time they actually see the truth is when it’s in front of their eyes. Overall a weak foresight person.

i like this one

we love account wide essences

hard agree on your last point

unironically not seeing how big of a deal this is and how people are expressing their frustration on every social platforms is just sad I guess

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Basically, It’s best to just ignore him and be grateful he’s bumping the thread with his strawmen.

The system has 0 downsides.

More people play the game… oh no…

Edit: The people who like to do dailies, can still do dailies - Content isn’t going away!


Would be nice if at least the green-level essences were account wide. I wouldn’t mind having to earn the 2nd and 3rd levels by doing the content but it’s just a slog having to regrind the whole thing on every character.

It wouldn’t be so bad if essences weren’t so important, it’s more a combination of that and re-grinding just being annoying that makes me not want to focus on my alts.

I miss the old class customization systems like glyphs.

The problem i have with the green ones is you get them extremely quickly, most you get within 2 days of doing whatever content it requires.